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VLC for iOS - 2.2.2 - Crash after opening Local Network Tab

Posted: 09 Feb 2014 00:11
by JCBird1012
Upon opening the Local Network Tab in VLC 2.2.2, the app subsequently crashes. It's quite unfortunate actually. This has been occurring since 2.2.0 (I think)... It hasn't been fixed in 2.2.1 and obviously 2.2.2.
After sending countless in-app reports (I send one every time is crashes :mrgreen: ) I haven't seen this fixed.

I wanted to just get developer feedback on this issue, and make them aware.

Best regards,

Re: VLC for iOS - 2.2.2 - Crash after opening Local Network

Posted: 09 Feb 2014 20:42
by fkuehne
Are you using iOS 6?

Re: VLC for iOS - 2.2.2 - Crash after opening Local Network

Posted: 09 Feb 2014 21:10
by JCBird1012
I apologize for not including more specifics in my first post.
I have this issue on an iPhone 5S and iPad Mini (non-retina) both running iOS 7.0.4.

Re: VLC for iOS - 2.2.2 - Crash after opening Local Network

Posted: 09 Feb 2014 21:21
by fkuehne
ehm, ok, that's unexpected. Do you know which kind of devices you have available on your local network? Is there any with a non-ASCII name?

Re: VLC for iOS - 2.2.2 - Crash after opening Local Network

Posted: 09 Feb 2014 21:50
by JCBird1012
So, let me just give you a general rundown of my home network really quick.

I have a WRT54GS running DD-WRT (if that matters)..

At any given time on my network there is...

Two iPhones
An iPad
An iPod Touch
An Xbox 360
5 Laptops (connected wirelessly)
2 desktops (hard-wired ethernet)
A DLNA Blu-Ray Player.

And there's more.. But they access the network very infrequently.

Now I've streamed content using UPnP before (so, I know it's not an issue with that)..
And most of the network devices can see each other (network discovery isn't an issue)..

And they're aren't any devices (that I know of) with non ASCII characters in their name... The naming convention in my house is pretty simple (Downstairs Desktop, Laptop, etc...)

Re: VLC for iOS - 2.2.2 - Crash after opening Local Network

Posted: 09 Feb 2014 22:27
by JCBird1012
For further clarification.. Here's a video for a better idea. ...

Re: VLC for iOS - 2.2.2 - Crash after opening Local Network

Posted: 09 Feb 2014 22:40
by fkuehne
Thanks a bunch! :)

I'll check the logs thoroughly to see what's going on thereā€¦

Re: VLC for iOS - 2.2.2 - Crash after opening Local Network

Posted: 09 Feb 2014 22:48
by JCBird1012
No problem!

If you need anything else from me... Just let me know!

Re: VLC for iOS - 2.2.2 - Crash after opening Local Network

Posted: 09 Feb 2014 22:51
by fkuehne
I think I found the crash :)

Just need to find a way to fix it.. o.O

Re: VLC for iOS - 2.2.2 - Crash after opening Local Network

Posted: 09 Feb 2014 23:17
by JCBird1012
Ah, debugging... A developer's greatest challenge.

I'm glad you found the crash!
Hopefully, it'll be fixed next release. :wink:

Anyways, thanks for all of this!
It just bugged (no pun intended) me to see VLC crash like that.
