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Audio broken on iOS VLC 2.2.1

Posted: 01 Feb 2014 01:56
by godziltw
I tried to compile the latest iOS VLC 2.2.1 from scratch. Everything builds fine with no error. However, there is no audio in any file I tried to play. The video plays fine. I tried playing AC3 5.1 (time zone set to Vancouver), AAC 5.1, AAC stereo, MP3 stereo. No audio at all. I can however play stereo and multichannel .wav files. I wonder what causes this problem. I have a previous build from last November and all files play just fine. I also tried the same files on the VLC 2.2.0 that's available on the App store and they are just fine. Everything is built using the latest OSX (10.9.1) and Xcode (5.0.2). Tested on iPad Air, iPhone 5, and iPad mini (1st gen), all running the latest iOS (7.0.4). Please advice what I need to do to fix the problem. Thanks!

Re: Audio broken on iOS VLC 2.2.1

Posted: 01 Feb 2014 02:18
by godziltw
By the way, I'm getting the following error message in the Xcode debugger console whenever I play AC3 5.1 files:

Code: Select all

[ac3 @ 0x28cb000] exponent out-of-range [ac3 @ 0x28cb000] error decoding the audio block [ac3 @ 0x28cb000] bandwidth code = 62 > 60 [ac3 @ 0x28cb000] error decoding the audio block [ac3 @ 0x28cb000] exponent out-of-range [ac3 @ 0x28cb000] error decoding the audio block ... ... [ac3 @ 0x28cb000] invalid coupling range (10 >= 7) [ac3 @ 0x28cb000] error decoding the audio block [ac3 @ 0x28cb000] exponent out-of-range [ac3 @ 0x28cb000] error decoding the audio block ... ... [ac3 @ 0x28cb000] exponent out-of-range [ac3 @ 0x28cb000] error decoding the audio block [ac3 @ 0x28cb000] delta bit allocation strategy reserved [ac3 @ 0x28cb000] error decoding the audio block ... ...
Hope this helps!

Re: Audio broken on iOS VLC 2.2.1

Posted: 06 Feb 2014 09:17
by YanHD
Good morning,

I have just installed VLC 2.2.1 on both my iPhone5 & ipad 3 from the app store & experience the same issue.
*some* videos play with sounds but most of them do not (DTS, AC3, AAC).
Playing the files through UPnP (which now works :-) or locally does not make a difference.

the videos play seamlessly in other video players (Gplayer for instance)

I have also noticed that avi files using video codec "XviD MPEG-4 codec" play only with video

Hope this helps.
Kind regards,

Re: Audio broken on iOS VLC 2.2.1

Posted: 06 Feb 2014 11:42
by mariosipad
Just updated the VLC app on my iPad 3 with iOS 7.0.4.

I agree, no audio on (at least) AAC.

The problem with DLNA / UPnP seems to be solved.

Re: Audio broken on iOS VLC 2.2.1

Posted: 06 Feb 2014 12:19
by discoteca
Same as above, updated VLC today and now I have no sound on any videos. The videos all have AAC auido.

Re: Audio broken on iOS VLC 2.2.1

Posted: 06 Feb 2014 12:23
by Em1212
I have the same problem on my ipad. Before update the audio worked on all files, but now just a few have audio.

Re: Audio broken on iOS VLC 2.2.1

Posted: 06 Feb 2014 13:09
by fkuehne
Thanks a lot for your numerous reports. I'll push an update today and ask for preferred review.

Re: Audio broken on iOS VLC 2.2.1

Posted: 06 Feb 2014 19:20
by JohannDyabsa
Since installing todays update none of the audio on any of my videos is working, and a few of the videos won't open causing the app to crash. On an iPad 4 with latest iOS

Re: Audio broken on iOS VLC 2.2.1

Posted: 06 Feb 2014 19:22
by fkuehne
We just submitted a fixed binary and asked for an expedited review. Let's hope that it will be granted :)

Re: Audio broken on iOS VLC 2.2.1

Posted: 07 Feb 2014 08:36
by fkuehne
So, the fixed version was released on the App Store 7 hours ago. Sorry for the inconveniences caused! Enjoy!

Re: Audio broken on iOS VLC 2.2.1

Posted: 07 Feb 2014 11:36
by toldi
Its quite the opposite here! My audio stopped working yesterday after the last update! Just like that. With all MKV files... so it must be this AAC,

Re: Audio broken on iOS VLC 2.2.1

Posted: 07 Feb 2014 11:40
by fkuehne
Try today's update :)

Audio still broken on iOS VLC 2.2.2

Posted: 08 Feb 2014 18:59
by tico
No luck here the with the 2.2.2 update from 2/7/14. No audio (mv4) on iPad air. No change from the past 2.2.x versions.
Movies were ripped using handbrake ACC coreAudio, stereo

Re: Audio broken on iOS VLC 2.2.1

Posted: 09 Feb 2014 14:07
by Jaymal
I have the same issue on 2.2.1, I now have no audio on any of my videos. These videos used to work previously on a previous version (not sure which one). One of the videos are mp4, the others were recorded on my camera, not sure the format.

Re: Audio broken on iOS VLC 2.2.1

Posted: 10 Feb 2014 19:26
by travisQ
No better with 2.2.2 Latest iOS VLC 2.2.2 has no audio on .mp4 and .m4v files but the same files play fine on VLC on my MacBookPro VLC Version 2.1.2 Rincewind (Intel 64bit)

iOS 2.2.2 plays .mov files with audio.

Re: Audio broken on iOS VLC 2.2.1

Posted: 11 Mar 2014 22:18
by Lattemonster
I just downloaded 2.2.2 on Sunday to my iPad mini (iOS 7) and loaded an avi file. I have no sound from the app but it is fine on my Windows laptop Vlc. Hoping for some help

Re: Audio broken on iOS VLC 2.2.1

Posted: 13 Mar 2014 01:05
by fjbarrett
I am running the most recent version of VLC on iOS (as of today). And I am having the same audio issues.

No sound out of any video.

Re: Audio broken on iOS VLC 2.2.1

Posted: 20 Mar 2014 18:14
by Syrus5o
Very upsetting that I haven't been able to use VLC for ios in months it seems. Im surprised there isn't a fix for this no audio issue yet. It's frustrating to say the least.

Re: Audio broken on iOS VLC 2.2.1

Posted: 21 Mar 2014 04:52
by lesmikesell
2.2.2 is working for me with mp4s with aac or ac3 audio (tz set to Winnipeg) either local or via DLNA. DTS even works locally but the directory listing seems to hang over DLNA if the file with DTS audio is present - don't know if that is a server (serviio) issue or vlc's.