AirPlay not sending video to AppleTV (iOs)

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AirPlay not sending video to AppleTV (iOs)

Postby truite » 14 Aug 2013 16:36

I´m using VLC for iOS in my iPad (4th generation, iOs 6.1.3), and tried to use Airplay watching a video with Apple TV (last version), but only the sound was mirrored, not the video, in fact in the Apple TV showed like I was mirroring an audio file, not a video. Anyone had this bug? Any help to solve this?

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Re: AirPlay not sending video to AppleTV (iOs)

Postby fkuehne » 14 Aug 2013 16:46

This is due to an API limitation which allows us to show the AirPlay button in the app only. However, you can use AirPlay mirroring to also play the video on your Apple TV.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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Re: AirPlay not sending video to AppleTV (iOs)

Postby cbrogniez » 07 Oct 2013 09:21

I have the same problem. Only the audio is mirrored on the apple tv. How do I get the video working?

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Re: AirPlay not sending video to AppleTV (iOs)

Postby fkuehne » 07 Oct 2013 11:11

You need to use AirPlay mirroring (for now).
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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Re: AirPlay not sending video to AppleTV (iOs)

Postby Woodoo2 » 05 Apr 2014 15:15

I was happy when i got my iPhone 5 to play some 720p mkv kompressed videos I have stored on a synology NAS. I thought it also might play on ATV with air play. And it did!

But not as well as one could hope, video lags significantly an is not "watchable". I wounder why? Everething else plays smothely. I also tryed downloding a file to th phone but that made no difference.

Thanx for any help, if there is any to give that is! ;)


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Re: AirPlay not sending video to AppleTV (iOs)

Postby slashhesham » 03 Jun 2015 09:10

any update on that matter?? any workaround other than Mirroring? I badly need to stream network streams from my iphone to my chromecast without using mirroring. this issue has been raised since 2013 and yet no fix available??!!!! what a support

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Re: AirPlay not sending video to AppleTV (iOs)

Postby J P » 25 Nov 2016 00:41

1) Any update on this. As of the latest version on Nov. 15. 2016, this same Air-Play-only-sound problem still exists.

2) Someone had mentioned using AIr Play Mirroring, does it mean pushing image with the resolution on your phone to a HD TV? Does the quality suffer?

Thanks! JP

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