URL List in Network stream

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URL List in Network stream

Postby chilton » 13 Sep 2024 04:58

How does VLC store the list of URLs in the Network Stream tab? Is there a way to clear it at the storage point, not at the Application level? I ask because I have 5 AppleTVs between two home that are separated by 200km. Network URLs that I've watched on other TV's seem to get remerged into my list. For example, it rained the day of my son's Master's degree ceremony last May and I used VLC to view the graduation from my living room rather than sit in the rain. Now that URL and several others seem to be stuck in my list of cached Network Stream URLs. I can delete these URLS one by one from each of my AppleTV's but having a way to clear the cached list and restart from scratch.

-- Chris

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Re: URL List in Network stream

Postby fkuehne » 15 Sep 2024 12:11

The URL list is stored as key values in your iCloud account. This storage area cannot be accessed outside VLC. However, as long as the devices are connected to the internet, deleting a stream on one device should delete it on the other.

If your Apple TV is not signed in to your iCloud account, the information is kept locally.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.
Blog: https://www.feepk.net

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