jumpforward settings and DLNA actualization isues

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jumpforward settings and DLNA actualization isues

Postby Clac » 21 Dec 2023 09:52

Hi, although I really like VLC, I encounter 2 issues on my iPad mini 5 with actual iOS 17 and a linux driven Enigma2 (OpenATV 7.3) Sat receiver:
- the receiver provides its recordings via a miniDLNA server, but the list of recent recordings is not updated in VLC when swipping down. Even after a restart of the iPad the list is not actual. Also having the media library reread doesn't help.
- the jump forward or backward functionality doesn't work, neither the time setting gets active, nor the jumping backward works. Whatever I do (swiping right or left), the video always jumps 10sec forward

Can you confirm these issues and try to fix them?


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Re: jumpforward settings and DLNA actualization isues

Postby Dogo » 21 Dec 2023 15:01


Thanks for the feedback,

I am not able to reproduce your issue regarding your miniDLNA server, can you maybe share some more detailed reproduction steps?

Regarding the jump forward/backward, there is several ways to perform these actions:
- You can double tap the right portion of the screen to jump forward, and double tap the left portion to jump backward
- You can swipe to the right to jump forward, and swipe to the left to jump backward.

In the settings there is an option allowing you to select a different jump duration for jumping forward and backward located in the Playback Controls section.

We are currently working on the next release and you will be able to select custom seek durations for every gesture.

Hope this helps.

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