playlists on usb not playing on iPhone

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playlists on usb not playing on iPhone

Postby Hines_Fire » 13 Feb 2022 21:39

I have saved playlists to the phone via WiFi and they work fine. But I quickly use available space on the phone.
Saved mp4 files to a usb which work fine-the share to vlc pops up and it plays no problem. But I cannot get a playlist saved to the usb to work. The folder opens and I can play individual mp4's one at a time but it will not continue to play all items in the playlist. The documentation states at "Media_grouping_in_folders" that folders act as playlists in VLC for iOS.
Am I missing something or is this just not available?
My phone is iPhone 11 iOS 15.3.1 with VLC for Mobile 3.2.13

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Joined: 20 Jun 2017 15:29
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Re: playlists on usb not playing on iPhone

Postby bubu? » 15 Feb 2022 12:43

Currently playlist on usb are fully tested and working.

By importing the playlist and the associated media files, it should be working as expected.
Soomin Lee - bubu

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