vlc-plugins-AppleTV.xcconfig missing

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New Cone
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vlc-plugins-AppleTV.xcconfig missing

Postby Waxyen » 24 Oct 2018 10:58

Hey all,

I like to update VLCKit in my TVOS-project, and so I downloaded the latest version from the master repo (commit 8d98ee3ce0a26380bb80ea46e5769cbaaf15b086). I built on MacOS with the command:

Code: Select all

./compileAndBuildVLCKit.sh -t
. All went well, until I tried to build the library with my TVOS project. It errors, because it can't find the file

Code: Select all

I can remember missing the file last time as well, but then I copied it from somewhere. This time, it is not that easy, because there are a lot of linked files that don't exist anymore (liba52_plugin.a to give an example).

Can someone help me out? Thanks in advance!

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