No surround channels with AppleTV VLC App v1.1.3

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No surround channels with AppleTV VLC App v1.1.3

Postby johan44 » 10 Feb 2018 17:00

Hi fellow VLC users,

Is there anything I need to do to make work AC3 sound with on my AppleTV with the App V1.1.3 ?

My AppleTv is at the latest version available.

I have encoded my video with AAC and with AC3 passthrough with no success, surround channels are always played on FrontChannels only.

Doubled checked all the time with the track setting, there is only one available, which is S/PDIF passthrough

The same video played with iTunes (home sharing) works, but not with the VLC App. Is it a known bug with v1.1.3 ?

Is there a recommended encoding I should use instead ?



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