RTSP on AppleTV

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New Cone
New Cone
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RTSP on AppleTV

Postby JamulBen » 22 Sep 2017 06:36

Hi, I'm attempting to load the RTSP stream from an Extron SMP351 and can load it on VLC for iOS and for my Mac using "rtsp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/extron3" but am unable to load it using VLC for Mobile on the AppleTV. I've also tried adding the port after the IP but no use.

I get a screen that states, "Your input can't be opened VLC is unable to open the MRL 'rtsp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/extron3'. Check the log for details.

Where can I check log and am I doing this wrong on VLC for Mobile?


New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 2
Joined: 26 Sep 2017 20:07

Re: RTSP on AppleTV

Postby xorthias » 26 Sep 2017 20:18

Do you have your device set up to be in "Transmitter" mode and also initiation "by receiver?" I ran into a similar issue with my Crestron DM-TXRX-100-STR, where I was initiating by MulticastRSTP, which was yielding no results. When I switched the initiation to "by receiver," it was night and day that it was now working.

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