MP3 stream works on Mac mini, not on ipad & iphone

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Javier Prado
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MP3 stream works on Mac mini, not on ipad & iphone

Postby Javier Prado » 19 Jan 2017 21:47

Hello, new to VLC but went through forums and documentation. Probably missed something but:

Application is live MP3 audio encoding through IPTV box from wireless microphone
VLC 2.2.4 on Mac mini (Yosemite 10.10.5) works.
VLC 2.7.8 on iPad 2nd Gen does not work.
VLC 2.7.8 on iPhone SE does not work.

However, audio comes through with live HDMI H.264 encoding on all three platforms.

The IPTV encoder has an individual audio input, separate from HDMI. Tried AAC-LE and AAC-HE encoding and different sampling rates but only Mac mini works.

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