Airplay audio delay for tvOS

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Airplay audio delay for tvOS

Postby ftclausen » 14 Apr 2016 01:14

Hello All,

Summary: Is there an option to, ideally automatically, control audio delay on tvOS when the audio is being sent to an Airplay speaker?

Background: I'm using VLC both directly (the app itself) and via another other app (VLCKit in beta tvhclient) but the audio always lags 2 seconds behind the video with no obvious way to adjust it.

Are there any plans to have VLC(Kit) automatically adjust the audio like Quicktime does when it detects an Airplay speaker active? Or at least offer some way for the user to tweak it?



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Re: Airplay audio delay for tvOS

Postby sethx » 10 Oct 2016 22:59

I second this.
Used VLC app yesterday, and uploaded a video to tvOS storage.
As the apple TV has no extra audio output, i am forced to use an AirPlay device to stream the audio.
All other tvOS apps i use sync the audio properly, but VLC doesn't.
Please update us on wether this will eventually be built.

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Re: Airplay audio delay for tvOS

Postby stufio » 13 Oct 2016 06:17

I third this.
Every other tvOS app, like Netflix, sends AirPlay to my AirPlay speakers with the audio and video in perfect sync. VLC's audio is out of sync when using an AirPlay speaker by several seconds. Is there anything I can do to change the audio delay? Or is there a plan to update the VLC AirPlay functionality in the future?

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Re: Airplay audio delay for tvOS

Postby crimsonnoise » 02 Nov 2016 11:03

+1. I agree that would be extremely useful. At the moment I can't use VLC on Apple TV because of this.

It could be as simple as adding the option of a -2000ms audio delay, which would bring it back in to sync.

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Re: Airplay audio delay for tvOS

Postby maxgenio » 07 Dec 2016 14:35

I've got an Apple TV 4th gen to AirPlay to a 3rd gen (I need the old one for the optical audio out) and the 2-3 sec delay is a deal breaker. Netflix & YouTube work just fine. Will there ever be a fix?

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Re: Airplay audio delay for tvOS

Postby Lukian » 17 Jan 2017 16:05

Same problem here, but ..

1 - Delay when Apple TV sends the VLC Audio to a Aiport Express which is connected to the stereo.

2 - NO delay when Apple TV sends the VLC Audio directly to the beamer (together with the Video, over the HDMI cable)

3 - NO delay with Youtube Audio via Airport Express or via HDMI

---->> Might there be a known delay with relay devices such as Airport Express ??

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Re: Airplay audio delay for tvOS

Postby Lukian » 17 Jan 2017 16:43

The App Beamer (on the Mac) does the timing correctly. It costs some $20. It does direct streaming, no downloading.

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Re: Airplay audio delay for tvOS

Postby Lukian » 18 Jan 2017 10:55

Additional trial with Bluetooth

I connected Bluetooth earphones and experienced a slight delay of the audio in the earphone.
(mode of Apple TV audio was "Apple TV", i.e. directly to HDMI if no bluetooth connected.)

I wonder if VLC bypasses a coordination the system would do, as audio and video coordination work with other programs.

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Re: Airplay audio delay for tvOS

Postby Beri » 03 Mar 2017 10:42

Please add this so I can use my airplay speakers playing from atv4 without the really annoying 2 sec delay. This functionality already exist i iOS so please copy this to tvOs. Keep up the good work!

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Re: Airplay audio delay for tvOS

Postby ssbmaccom » 08 Mar 2017 21:19

I also got this issue reported from one of my users.

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Re: Airplay audio delay for tvOS

Postby pnuding » 22 Apr 2019 17:25

A few years later and we're now on Airplay 2, but it seems VLC on tvOS still has this same issue.
Does this work for anyone or are there any news on it?

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Re: Airplay audio delay for tvOS

Postby PCServices » 25 Jul 2020 22:03

I had no problems with lip sync on Apple TV via Airplay until the latest VLC update. Now about two seconds delay to audio.

Has anyone got a solution?

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Re: Airplay audio delay for tvOS

Postby 2097 » 18 Dec 2023 09:18

As a workaround for now, there is a manual "audio delay" option under "playback speed" settings (reachable from a running video). I found that -1000 (i.e. a negative delay) worked well for this one show I was having issues with.

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Re: Airplay audio delay for tvOS

Postby hSverrisson » 02 Jan 2024 18:04

As a workaround for now, there is a manual "audio delay" option under "playback speed" settings (reachable from a running video). I found that -1000 (i.e. a negative delay) worked well for this one show I was having issues with.
This option seems to be removed now and I am wondering how to solve this audio delay. It only appears in VLAN, but not YouTube or the other apps. I managed to fix it by doing the audio calibration again, but now that work around is not working. Force quitting the app, doesn't solve the delay which seems to appear randomly for me, for a series that were encoded the same way. Does anyone have a suggestion for a work around?

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Re: Airplay audio delay for tvOS

Postby blahblahblahmeh » 13 May 2024 23:28

Wow, it's 2024 and this problem ain't been fixed I guess?

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