VLC player not displaying files

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VLC player not displaying files

Postby Jhonny3 » 22 Feb 2016 23:17

My VLC player on my iPad is no longer showing the video files on it. I have transferred via wifi link and downloaded directly into the player. I have deleted and reinstalled after restart, but to no avail. I can see that the videos have been downloaded, as the size of the storage used goes up from 27 MB to more than 1 GB, which is appropriate for the size of this video, but it doesn't show up under all files or any other tab. Any ideas?

I should also say that they're just MP4 files with which I've had no problem over the last year, including as recently as two weeks ago.

Hardware: original iPad Air
Operating system: iOS 9.2.1
Software version: 2.7.2

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 14 Jan 2016 06:48

Re: VLC player not displaying files

Postby stowellt » 01 Mar 2016 06:28

Change the file name to one word with no periods. The latest version can't handle periods in the file name. dark.knight.mp4 to darkknight.mp4

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: VLC player not displaying files

Postby GodKingThoth » 12 Mar 2016 07:44

Change the file name to one word with no periods. The latest version can't handle periods in the file name. dark.knight.mp4 to darkknight.mp4


OP's video probably in a codec VLC for iOS doesn't support or her device is too slow to play whatever it is. If mp4 it should play, and idk what the audio codec is but either could be corrupted and that's why it's not loading.

Either way, it's not cause they have . In the name lol

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 14 Oct 2018 23:23

Re: VLC player not displaying files

Postby khizarimran1 » 14 Oct 2018 23:30

I have added corrupted file on vlc player in my iphone using itunes. It is not showing corrupted file on my iphone, but when I connect my iphone to itunes it is showing that file is present in vlc player on my iphone and is using my storage. I want to know how to delete that file as in itunes on my computer it is not showing any delete option

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