Yea, that uploaded lib is missing bit code.
But compiling from the project (run the build script, then archive from Xcode) worked.
Code: Select all
# Clone the repo
git clone
cd VLCKit
# run the build script
./ -t
# Archive with xcode
xcodebuild -project "MobileVLCKit.xcodeproj" -target "TVVLCKit" -sdk appletvos9.1 -configuration Release ARCHS="arm64" IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=9.1 GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS=""
xcodebuild -project "MobileVLCKit.xcodeproj" -target "TVVLCKit" -sdk appletvsimulator9.1 -configuration Release ARCHS="x86_64" IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=9.1 GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS=""
# Create the framework
cd build
rm -rf TVVLCKit.framework
mkdir TVVLCKit.framework
lipo -create Release-appletvos/libTVVLCKit.a Release-appletvsimulator/libTVVLCKit.a -o TVVLCKit.framework/TVVLCKit
chmod a+x TVVLCKit.framework/TVVLCKit
cp -pr Release-appletvos/TVVLCKit TVVLCKit.framework/Headers
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