No access to co-owned/shared folder in OneDrive

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No access to co-owned/shared folder in OneDrive

Postby capfuturo » 31 Aug 2015 20:24

Hello there

Congratulations for the great VLC we all enjoy and a quick note regarding OneDrive integration with VLC

OneDrive now natively supports co-ownership of shared folders. This means these folders now show within the OneDrive available folders of each person co-owning or sharing the folder. Unfortunately VLC refrains from showing these shared folder.

I will explain why this is important to fix: a family usually has only OneDrive unlimited account. They may want tohave a document family folder or a movie folder shared with each family member. This is supported by OneDrive but VLC doesn't allow it. It would be desirable that VLC echoes OneDrive's functionality so people's experience remains consistent when using your software.


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Re: No access to co-owned/shared folder in OneDrive

Postby fkuehne » 01 Sep 2015 11:31

I'll have a look into this. They probably extended their API in a way we don't support yet. Thanks for the hint! :)
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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