ftpes support

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ftpes support

Postby comebacksober » 12 May 2014 12:32

hallo everybody ( first post here :) ),

as far as I can tell, vlc for ios does not support connecting via explicit ftps. Is it planned for some (near) future release ?

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Re: ftpes support

Postby comebacksober » 12 May 2014 21:12

... uhm, I peeked into the git repo and ftp support ( I mean, the directory listing interface ) seems based on the WhiteRaccoon library that in turn acts as a wrapper on top of CFNetwork that, AFAIK, doesn't even mention sftp/s/es ... so, I suppose ftpes support is still far away, ain't it ?

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Re: ftpes support

Postby fkuehne » 13 May 2014 23:09

Well, actually, you should be able to connect to such URLs directly using the "open network stream" feature. However, indeed, connecting to servers using this protocol to list folders, etc. is not supported and is not on the immediate roadmap.
Felix Paul Kühne
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Re: ftpes support

Postby comebacksober » 14 May 2014 09:07

>> Well, actually, you should be able to connect to such URLs directly using the "open network stream" feature.

I tryed that too, but with no success. That said, I didn't investigate much on why the open stream feature didn't work ( I used the more or less "standard" address ftpes://u:p@ip/file, with no response whatsoever ) as I moved on installing a VPN on my ipad for securing the plain ftp connection instead.

BTW, wouldn't it be possible a "hybrid" approach like allowing the open stream feature to open a remote "playlist-like" file ( say, something mimicking the result of a LIST ftp command ) to be forwarded/opened to the folder-list interface ? technically, it would be easy to code, but are there security implications I'm not aware of ?

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