Playlist Play Audio in Background bug and Folder "feature"

iOS, iPad, iPhone, tvOS specific usage questions
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Joined: 21 Apr 2014 17:48

Playlist Play Audio in Background bug and Folder "feature"

Postby gue22 » 21 Apr 2014 18:54

Hi guys,
first of all: A huge thanks for VLC on iOS!!!

I was glad to see that playlists are available, now that I really feel the urge that VLC doesn´t stop after each and every video, but there are two bugs:

1) While I´m waiting for the Epson Moverio BT-200 glasses I like to play the videos on my iPhone 4s with the screen off, which crashes VLC. (report was sent)
With videos in a folder / playlist and the screen switched on this works.

2) The current folder / playlist implementation leaves some things to be desired:
2a) I couldn´t find a way to create or see a folder in the latest iTunes
2b) Because the folder created in VLC isn´t visible in iTunes it´s not possible to add files to it directly and this is rrreally cumbersome!
2c) Worse, files that are manually added to the folder in a batch always seem to be added in the wrong order.

Thanks for taking care of this and keep up the great work!

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Joined: 16 Mar 2004 19:37
VLC version: 0.4.6 - present
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Location: Germany

Re: Playlist Play Audio in Background bug and Folder "featur

Postby fkuehne » 22 Apr 2014 12:15

1) got the report. thanks!

2a) works as expected. what you see as folders in the app are not folders in the file system sense. We just attach tags in our database like in GMail. In future releases, this allows us to add features like adding one file to multiple folders, etc.

2b) we will add "upload to folder" via WiFi in a subsequent release. This is mostly because iTunes is very inconvenient to use with folders within the App File Sharing feature.

2c) can you elaborate on "wrong order"?
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 11
Joined: 21 Apr 2014 17:48

Re: Playlist Play Audio in Background bug and Folder "featur

Postby gue22 » 22 Apr 2014 20:23

Hallo Felix,
thanks for your quick reply!
I tried the playlist "feature" some more today and I´m sorry to say it´s pretty much unusable in the current state without the upload to "folder" feature.

There are several kinks in the UI that drive one crazy:
2c) Wrong order: When I dragged the selected files to the folder they appeared in reverse alphabetical order.
Say, I selected 1, 2, 3 and dragged, they appeared 3, 2, 1. So I selcted 3, 2, 1 and dragged. Result 3, 2, 1.

2d) I´m pretty sure I dragged the files into the right order yesterday, but at least after some delete operations some files changed their place.

2e) It took some time to find out that files in the "folder" display random static pictures from other files. Pictures in root are correct.

2f) If a file was played or not doesn´t update correctly at least for files in the folder. As there is no display which file is playing, with small files it´s impossible to determine how far one got, what was played or not.

2g) When one deletes files from the folder one falls out of the folder into root every time one stops editing.


Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 11
Joined: 21 Apr 2014 17:48

Re: Playlist Play Audio in Background bug and Folder "featur

Postby gue22 » 10 May 2014 17:39

Been some time! Any news? Can I help?

Posts: 7295
Joined: 16 Mar 2004 19:37
VLC version: 0.4.6 - present
Operating System: Darwin
Location: Germany

Re: Playlist Play Audio in Background bug and Folder "featur

Postby fkuehne » 13 May 2014 23:14

I forwarded your feedback to the developer who worked on the folder feature and she will happily take it into account for the next update :)
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 11
Joined: 21 Apr 2014 17:48

Re: Playlist Play Audio in Background bug and Folder "featur

Postby gue22 » 19 May 2014 08:57

Hi Paul,
I subscribed to the vlc-devel and downloaded VLC source, because I got a programmer background (but won´t be able to do any (iOS - no Mac hw) programming short term).

If I can be of any help to her, pls tell.

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