Adding livmobilevlc to existing project

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Adding livmobilevlc to existing project

Postby obia » 14 Apr 2014 09:47

I want to add a vlc player to my existing ios project (basically like the drop-in player example) but I'm having some troubles. This is what I've done:

1. Cloned latest from git
2. Compiled both for simulator and device, successfully
3. Created fat library with lipo, successfully
4. Tested the included ios examples, works just fine.

Can someone please provide a simple step by step on how to add libmobilevlc to my existing project? I've struggled with this for days but always end up with a ton of linker problems when trying to build. I've added the frameworks, updated header/library search paths etc but still no go. Right now I'm facing "duplicate symbol" errors in the whole of libmobilevlc.a file so I'm stuck.

A simple step by step on how to add vlc to an existing ios project is what I see is missing from the documentation (you are basically left after compilation) and would be highly appretiated!

Running xcode 5.1, sdk 7.1 on osx mavericks.

New Cone
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Re: Adding livmobilevlc to existing project

Postby m3night » 14 Apr 2014 19:39

did you added the other libraries that vlc uses to your project.
you can see the vlc example project added them too


if you again get link errors, add libstdc++.6.dylib also
it worked for me with ios 7.1 xcode 5.1

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 18
Joined: 18 Mar 2014 00:26

Re: Adding livmobilevlc to existing project

Postby wminghao » 14 Apr 2014 21:03

Can you dump the actual link errors?

One thing I've tried is through the link

Go to it's Demo project Examples_OSX/, and compare your project setting vs. the demo project setting. You will find the discrepencies.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 20
Joined: 11 Apr 2014 13:34

Re: Adding livmobilevlc to existing project

Postby obia » 15 Apr 2014 13:16

Thanks for the answers! I found the other missing libraries mentioned after some time and that got me a bit further. What finally solved it for me was to remove the "loadAll" flag under Other linker flags. With this flag I got "duplicate symbol" errors all over libmobilevlc so removing it made it build/link successfully.
Now I'm struggling with getting vlc to accept HTTPS streams without having to install a bunch of certificates, thus accepting ssl errors. But that's a different story.. I might get back with a new post on that :)

Thanks once again and hope this post helps someone else in the future.

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