I have recently tried to stream a spherical video with first order ambisonics audio (the specs are exactly as specified by Google/Youtube). It works well over local network as well as streamed from my S3 bucket and the audio seems to pan correctly with the video and the iPhones gyro sensor BUT only when there are no headphones connected. There is no panning whatsoever with headphones connected. I am using headphones with a lightning adapter on an iPhone 12 Mini. Any clue as to why this is happening?
On a side note: I noticed that the spherical video only works in portrait mode while streaming from S3. When watching locally from my NAS, the video can also be watched in landscape mode but only if the app itself is used in landscape mode first. Once the video has started an one tilts the phone to portrait while playing, it seems to stay locked in portrait and I can't go back to landscape.
Thanks for your help!