VLC for Android MPEG-2 RTP Multicast Stream

VLC for Android and Chrome OS specific usage questions
New Cone
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Joined: 13 Jan 2012 22:31

VLC for Android MPEG-2 RTP Multicast Stream

Postby pfarrell » 13 Jan 2012 22:43

Hi, I am trying to run VLC for android to display a multicast RTP Stream encoded as MPEG2. I have added the patch to allow for network stream and I have verified that I successfully join the multicast group through /proc/net/igmp. However, I am not able to display the video coming from the source. It actually has worked correctly once, but after I turned off the stream and restarted it, I am no longer able to receive the stream. I get the error "Failed to set on top", but this error message also displayed when it was working. Thanks for the help.

The log is:

--------- beginning of /dev/log/main

D/dalvikvm( 5672): GC_EXPLICIT freed 7K, 50% free 2721K/5379K, external 0K/0K, paused 88ms

--------- beginning of /dev/log/system

D/PowerManagerService( 2715): onSensorChanged: light value: 1000

D/InputReader( 2715): Input event: value=1

E/lights ( 2715): write_int: path /sys/devices/virtual/misc/melfas_touchkey/brightness, value 1

I/PowerManagerService( 2715): Ulight 3->7|0

D/PowerManagerService( 2715): setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 172

I/InputDispatcher( 2715): Delivering key to current input target: action: 0, channel '409824a8 org.videolan.vlc.android/org.videolan.vlc.android.VideoPlayerActivity (server)'

D/InputReader( 2715): Input event: value=0

I/InputDispatcher( 2715): Delivering key to current input target: action: 1, channel '409824a8 org.videolan.vlc.android/org.videolan.vlc.android.VideoPlayerActivity (server)'

D/vlc ( 8404): control type=1

D/PowerManagerService( 2715): releaseWakeLockLocked flags=0x0 tag=VLC/VideoPlayerActivity myUID=1000 myPID=2715 myTID=2924

D/VLC/JNI/main( 8404): vlc_event_callback: failed to get JNI environment, assuming native thread

I/OrientationDebug( 2715): [pwm] in updateOrientationListenerLp()

V/OrientationDebug( 2715): in updateOrientationListenerLp(), Screen status=true, current orientation=-1, SensorEnabled=true

I/OrientationDebug( 2715): [pwm] needSensorRunningLp(), return true #4

I/VLC/VideoPlayerActivity( 8404): MediaPlayerPaused

I/WindowManager( 2715): CREATE SURFACE Surface(name=org.videolan.vlc.android/org.videolan.vlc.android.OpenNetworkStreamActivity, identity=2575, mNativeSurface=0) IN SESSION android.view.SurfaceSession@40944118: pid=8404 format=-1 flags=0x0 / Window{409949d8 org.videolan.vlc.android/org.videolan.vlc.android.OpenNetworkStreamActivity paused=false}

W/WindowManager( 2715): Window Window{409824a8 org.videolan.vlc.android/org.videolan.vlc.android.VideoPlayerActivity paused=false} destroyed surface Surface(name=org.videolan.vlc.android/org.videolan.vlc.android.VideoPlayerActivity, identity=-1, mNativeSurface=0), session Session{408e4bd8 uid 10114}

W/WindowManager( 2715): Window Window{40b25e88 SurfaceView paused=false} destroyed surface Surface(name=SurfaceView, identity=-1, mNativeSurface=0), session Session{408e4bd8 uid 10114}

D/vlc ( 8404): control type=0

D/vlc ( 8404): control: stopping input

D/vlc ( 8404): removing module "rtp"

D/PowerManagerService( 2715): releaseWakeLockLocked flags=0x0 tag=KEEP_SCREEN_ON_FLAG myUID=1000 myPID=2715 myTID=2776

W/SurfaceFlinger( 2715): org.videolan.vlc.android/org.videolan.vlc.android.VideoPlayerActivity[2573] is not removed from mLayerMap

W/SurfaceFlinger( 2715): SurfaceView[2574] is not removed from mLayerMap

D/vlc ( 8404): removing RTP source (eb3ef08d)

D/vlc ( 8404): removing module "avcodec"

D/vlc ( 8404): ffmpeg codec (MPEG-1/2 Video) stopped

D/vlc ( 8404): killing decoder fourcc `mpgv', 0 PES in FIFO

D/vlc ( 8404): saving a free vout

D/vlc ( 8404): reusing provided vout

D/vlc ( 8404): removing module "packetizer_mpegvideo"

D/vlc ( 8404): Destroying the input for 'rtp://'

D/vlc ( 8404): TIMER input launching for 'rtp://' : 21.971 ms - Total 21.971 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 21.971 ms)

D/vlc ( 8404): destroying useless vout

D/vlc ( 8404): Filter 0x3df910 removed from chain

D/vlc ( 8404): removing module "yuv_rgb_neon"

D/vlc ( 8404): removing module "android_surface"

D/vlc ( 8404): removing module "tdummy"

D/vlc ( 8404): removing module "yuvp"

D/vlc ( 8404): removing module "swscale"

I/VLC/VideoPlayerActivity( 8404): MediaPlayerStopped

I/InputReader( 2715): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0, pending(waiting finished signal)=0

I/InputDispatcher( 2715): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0, channel '409949d8 org.videolan.vlc.android/org.videolan.vlc.android.OpenNetworkStreamActivity (server)'

I/InputReader( 2715): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 1, pending(waiting finished signal)=0

I/InputDispatcher( 2715): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 1, channel '409949d8 org.videolan.vlc.android/org.videolan.vlc.android.OpenNetworkStreamActivity (server)'

D/VLC/OpenNetworkStreamActivity( 8404): Selected URI:rtp://@

I/ActivityManager( 2715): Starting: Intent { cmp=org.videolan.vlc.android/.VideoPlayerActivity (has extras) } from pid 8404

E/AudioPolicyManager( 2596): getParamFromPolicy

E/AudioPolicyManager( 2596): getSituationVolume

I/AudioPolicyManager( 2596): getSituationVolume: isBTConnected:0 isHeadConnected:0

I/AudioFlinger( 2596): start output streamType (0, 1) for 1

E/yamaha::media::Parameters( 2596): SalesCode = DBT

W/ActivityManager( 2715): Trying to launch org.videolan.vlc.android/.VideoPlayerActivity

E/yamaha::media::Parameters( 2596): SalesCode = DBT

I/OrientationDebug( 2715): [pwm] in updateOrientationListenerLp()

V/OrientationDebug( 2715): in updateOrientationListenerLp(), Screen status=true, current orientation=4, SensorEnabled=true

I/OrientationDebug( 2715): [pwm] needSensorRunningLp(), return true #1

V/VLC/LibVLC( 8404): Reading rtp://@

I/VLC/JNI/main( 8404): Got version: 10

D/vlc ( 8404): Creating an input for 'rtp://'

D/PowerManagerService( 2715): acquireWakeLock flags=0xa tag=VLC/VideoPlayerActivity uid=10114 pid=8404 myUID=1000 myPID=2715 myTID=3090

I/WindowManager( 2715): CREATE SURFACE Surface(name=org.videolan.vlc.android/org.videolan.vlc.android.VideoPlayerActivity, identity=2576, mNativeSurface=0) IN SESSION android.view.SurfaceSession@40944118: pid=8404 format=-3 flags=0x0 / Window{40b43630 org.videolan.vlc.android/org.videolan.vlc.android.VideoPlayerActivity paused=false}

D/PowerManagerService( 2715): acquireWakeLock flags=0xa tag=KEEP_SCREEN_ON_FLAG uid=1000 pid=2715 myUID=1000 myPID=2715 myTID=2922

D/vlc ( 8404): using timeshift granularity of 50 MiB, in path '/tmp'

D/vlc ( 8404): `rtp://@' gives access `rtp' demux `' path `@'

D/vlc ( 8404): creating demux: access='rtp' demux='' location='@' file='(null)'

D/vlc ( 8404): looking for access_demux module: 1 candidate

D/vlc ( 8404): Debug net: opening datagram port 5000

D/vlc ( 8404): Calling netSubscribe

D/vlc ( 8404): using access_demux module "rtp"

D/vlc ( 8404): TIMER module_need() : 4.724 ms - Total 4.724 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 4.724 ms)

D/vlc ( 8404): looking for meta reader module: 1 candidate

D/vlc ( 8404): no meta reader module matching "any" could be loaded

D/vlc ( 8404): TIMER module_need() : 0.747 ms - Total 0.747 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.747 ms)

D/vlc ( 8404): `rtp://@' Debug: successfully opened

D/VLC/JNI/main( 8404): vlc_event_callback: failed to get JNI environment, assuming native thread

D/vlc ( 8404): detected MPEG Video

D/vlc ( 8404): added payload type 32 (f = 90000 Hz)

D/vlc ( 8404): selecting program id=0

D/vlc ( 8404): looking for decoder module: 26 candidates

D/vlc ( 8404): libavcodec already initialized

D/vlc ( 8404): trying to use direct rendering

D/vlc ( 8404): allowing 1 thread(s) for decoding

D/vlc ( 8404): ffmpeg codec (MPEG-1/2 Video) started

D/vlc ( 8404): using decoder module "avcodec"

D/vlc ( 8404): TIMER module_need() : 4.968 ms - Total 4.968 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 4.968 ms)

D/vlc ( 8404): looking for packetizer module: 20 candidates

I/ALSAModule( 2596): Initialized ALSA PLAYBACK device hifi

W/AudioFlinger( 2596): write blocked for 93 msecs, 484 delayed writes, thread 0x5e990

D/vlc ( 8404): using packetizer module "packetizer_mpegvideo"

D/vlc ( 8404): TIMER module_need() : 15.444 ms - Total 15.444 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 15.444 ms)

I/WindowManager( 2715): CREATE SURFACE Surface(name=SurfaceView, identity=2577, mNativeSurface=0) IN SESSION android.view.SurfaceSession@40944118: pid=8404 format=2 flags=0x0 / Window{40a11b00 SurfaceView paused=false}

D/dalvikvm( 8404): GetFieldID: unable to find field Landroid/view/Surface;.mSurface:I

I/VLC/VideoPlayerActivity( 8404): MediaPlayerPlaying

D/vlc ( 8404): added RTP source (eb3ef08d)

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 0%

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 0%

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 6%

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 6%

D/vlc ( 8404): waiting for sequence start

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 13%

D/vlc ( 8404): waiting for sequence start

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 13%

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 19%

D/vlc ( 8404): waiting for sequence start

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 19%

I/ActivityManager( 2715): Displayed org.videolan.vlc.android/.VideoPlayerActivity: +316ms

W/WindowManager( 2715): Window Window{409949d8 org.videolan.vlc.android/org.videolan.vlc.android.OpenNetworkStreamActivity paused=false} destroyed surface Surface(name=org.videolan.vlc.android/org.videolan.vlc.android.OpenNetworkStreamActivity, identity=-1, mNativeSurface=0), session Session{408e4bd8 uid 10114}

I/AudioFlinger( 2596): stop output streamType (0, 1) for 1

W/SurfaceFlinger( 2715): org.videolan.vlc.android/org.videolan.vlc.android.OpenNetworkStreamActivity[2575] is not removed from mLayerMap

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 26%

D/vlc ( 8404): waiting for sequence start

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 26%

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 33%

D/vlc ( 8404): waiting for sequence start

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 33%

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 39%

D/vlc ( 8404): waiting for sequence start

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 39%

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 46%

D/vlc ( 8404): waiting for sequence start

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 46%

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 53%

D/vlc ( 8404): waiting for sequence start

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 53%

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 59%

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 59%

D/vlc ( 8404): waiting for sequence start

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 66%

D/vlc ( 8404): waiting for sequence start

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 66%

D/PowerManagerService( 2715): onSensorChanged: light value: 1000

E/yamaha::media::Parameters( 2596): SalesCode = DBT

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 73%

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 73%

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 73%

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 73%

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 73%

D/vlc ( 8404): waiting for sequence start

D/vlc ( 8404): size 320x240 fps=0.015

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 79%

D/vlc ( 8404): looking for text renderer module: 1 candidate

D/vlc ( 8404): using text renderer module "tdummy"

D/vlc ( 8404): TIMER module_need() : 4.456 ms - Total 4.456 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 4.456 ms)

D/vlc ( 8404): looking for video filter2 module: 14 candidates

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 79%

D/vlc ( 8404): 32x32 chroma: YUVA -> 16x16 chroma: RGBA with scaling using Bicubic (good quality)

D/vlc ( 8404): using video filter2 module "swscale"

D/vlc ( 8404): TIMER module_need() : 13.365 ms - Total 13.365 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 13.365 ms)

D/vlc ( 8404): looking for video filter2 module: 14 candidates

D/vlc ( 8404): YUVP to YUVA converter

D/vlc ( 8404): using video filter2 module "yuvp"

D/vlc ( 8404): TIMER module_need() : 2.181 ms - Total 2.181 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 2.181 ms)

D/vlc ( 8404): Deinterlacing available

D/vlc ( 8404): deinterlace 0, mode blend, is_needed 0

D/vlc ( 8404): Opening vout display wrapper

D/vlc ( 8404): looking for vout display module: 2 candidates

D/vlc ( 8404): VoutDisplayEvent 'fullscreen' 0

D/vlc ( 8404): using vout display module "android_surface"

D/vlc ( 8404): TIMER module_need() : 2.976 ms - Total 2.976 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 2.976 ms)

D/vlc ( 8404): A filter to adapt decoder to display is needed

D/vlc ( 8404): looking for video filter2 module: 14 candidates

D/vlc ( 8404): I420(320x240) to RV32(320x240)

D/vlc ( 8404): using video filter2 module "yuv_rgb_neon"

D/vlc ( 8404): TIMER module_need() : 4.463 ms - Total 4.463 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 4.463 ms)

D/vlc ( 8404): Filter 'yuv_rgb_neon' (0x3e9d68) appended to chain

D/vlc ( 8404): original format sz 320x240, of (0,0), vsz 320x240, 4cc I420, sar 1:1, msk r0x0 g0x0 b0x0

D/vlc ( 8404): removing module "tdummy"

D/vlc ( 8404): looking for text renderer module: 1 candidate

D/vlc ( 8404): using text renderer module "tdummy"

D/vlc ( 8404): TIMER module_need() : 0.847 ms - Total 0.847 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.847 ms)

D/vlc ( 8404): using direct rendering

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 86%

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 86%

E/vlc ( 8404): Failed to set on top

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 93%

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 93%

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 99%

D/vlc ( 8404): Buffering 99%

D/vlc ( 8404): Stream buffering done (1066 ms in 1006 ms)

D/vlc ( 8404): Decoder buffering done in 4 ms

E/lights ( 2715): write_int: path /sys/devices/virtual/misc/melfas_touchkey/brightness, value 2

W/PowerManagerService( 2715): Timer 0x7->0x3|0x3

I/PowerManagerService( 2715): Ulight 7->3|0

D/PowerManagerService( 2715): setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 0

D/vlc ( 8404): auto hiding mouse cursor

I/ALSAModule( 2596): Terminated ALSA PLAYBACK device hifi

E/yamaha::media::Parameters( 2596): SalesCode = DBT

I/InputReader( 2715): dispatchTouch::touch event's action is 0, pending(waiting finished signal)=0

I/InputDispatcher( 2715): Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0, channel '40b43630 org.videolan.vlc.android/org.videolan.vlc.android.VideoPlayerActivity (server)'

I/PowerManagerService( 2715): Ulight 3->7|0

E/lights ( 2715): write_int: path /sys/devices/virtual/misc/melfas_touchkey/brightness, value 1

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