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Folder first when selecting Play from a folder

Posted: 14 Feb 2025 16:16
by videolannl7oj
I have a folder that has this structure:

- 1 Folder
-- 1 File
-- 2 File
-- 3 File
- 2 File
- 3 File
- 4 File

When I hit "Play" in the folder, I get: 2 File, 3 File, 4 File, 1 Folder - 1 File, 1 Folder - 2 File, 1 Folder - 3 File.
So basically, it adds the files first, and then the files in the subfolders.

I want items to be added by title, depth first. This way I would get all of the files in 1 Folder, and then the files in the root folder.
Is there a way to do this? Is this a setting somewhere?

Re: Folder first when selecting Play from a folder

Posted: 14 Feb 2025 17:02
by Skantes
Unfortunately there is no settings for this, sorry for the inconvenience.

It's not ideal, but by doing a long press to select a file / folder, then selecting what you want, and pressing play in the top bar,
it will play media in the order you selected them, including what's in a folder if you select it first.

You could also create a playlist from the main folder, by going to the three dot menu to it's right, and then reorganize the files to your liking