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in audio mode, I selected "unknown album". now I can't get out

Posted: 09 Jun 2024 23:08
by kgosfm
There should be a "back" button on every page. I've tried everything, but I'm being held hostage in "unknown album". I can access everything in Browse mode, but when I try to return to Audio, I'm right back in solitary confinement. Hellllp....

Using Samsung galaxy A53, VLC 3.5.4, with approximately 27k audio files.

Re: in audio mode, I selected "unknown album". now I can't get out

Posted: 10 Jun 2024 07:26
by Aza
I'm not sure I understand. There is a back button in the album screen at to top left corner. Also the back button of your device should work.

Re: in audio mode, I selected "unknown album". now I can't get out

Posted: 10 Jun 2024 15:05
by kgosfm
OK. Here's some screenshots of my issue.

In audio mode, this is all I can access. Above are the 3 screens I captured. No back button on any of them. No Up arrow to take me back to the entire collection. If I change to Browse mode, I can get to everything, but it's a bit more of a pain to navigate, and I can't "shuffle all" from there.

Re: in audio mode, I selected "unknown album". now I can't get out

Posted: 10 Jun 2024 15:11
by kgosfm
p.s. When I hit the back button on my phone, it takes me back to my phone home screen.

Re: in audio mode, I selected "unknown album". now I can't get out

Posted: 11 Jun 2024 07:21
by Aza
All of your 3 screenshots are in the main screen. You dont need any back button as the full app can still be navigated. You get one if you tap on an album or an artist though.

Re: in audio mode, I selected "unknown album". now I can't get out

Posted: 11 Jun 2024 12:24
by kgosfm
You don't understand. I guess I will try to delete VLC and reinstall it. Thanks for all the "support ".

Re: in audio mode, I selected "unknown album". now I can't get out

Posted: 11 Jun 2024 22:38
by Spike1
I have been following this discussion and I don't understand your captivity either. I have no problem getting from anywhere to anywhere else. There is no BACK button in the Browse section, but there is an X at upper left to abort a selection you have made, and you can always switch sections at the bottom of the screen. When you switch from Browse to Audio, VLC builds a list of titles. However, 27K files is a lot. My guess is that you are as impatient with your device as you are with Aza.

Re: in audio mode, I selected "unknown album". now I can't get out

Posted: 12 Jun 2024 02:13
by kgosfm
I've been using VLC for about 3 years now, and this has never happened to me before. I've never needed to use the Forums until now. Look at the screenshots I posted. Where's the x in the top left corner? I'm not impatient. I just can't get back to the entire collection. I'm pretty smart about this kinda stuff, but this has me flummoxed. I can access everything in Browse mode, but when I go to Audio, that's all I get. I didn't mean to be a dick, but I guess I am sometimes. I apologize.