Suddenly can't browse LAN

VLC for Android and Chrome OS specific usage questions
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Suddenly can't browse LAN

Postby cheeseus » 16 Apr 2024 00:18

VLC 3.5.4 for Android TV. I've been watching films from my LAN for a year and a half now, almost no issues. But all of a sudden, just as we were watching an episode, it cut off a few minutes before the end. I tried several times to play it – I could start the file from the beginning but fast-forwarding was almost impossible: to jump to 5 min, it would take a minute of loadng, to jump to 35 min, VLC just hanged there for five minutes, unable to load anything.

I restarted my computer, restarted the TV a couple of time (doing this would fix any rare LAN access issues before). This time nothing helped. After some 40 minutes of trying the same, I decided to perform complete reset of VLC (Settngs > Advanced > Clear app data).

Since then, when I go to Browsing > Local Network, I can see one or both of my computers (PC and laptop). But when I try to open them, I invariably see "No meda files found, please transfer some files from your device or adjust your preferences." Another error message is shown briefly at the bottom of the screen: "YOUR INPUT CAN'T BE OPENED: VLC IS UNABLE TO OPEN THE MRL: 'smb://CHEESEUSCOMPNEW'. Check the log for details."

I looked at the log but I can't make any sense of what I see in it. Here are the relevant (I think) messages:

libvlc stream: Session: Host name = CHEESEUSCOMPNEW, IP =
libvlc keystore: looking for keystore module matching "file_crypt,none": 3 candidates
libvlc keystore: using keystore module "file"
netbios_session_recv: recv: Connection reset by peer
libvlc stream: Unable to connect/negotiate SMB session
libvlc keystore: removing module "file"
libvlc stream: Unable to open file with path (null) (in share (null))
libvlc stream: no access modules matched
libvlc input: Your input can't be opened
libvlc input: VLC is unable to open the MRL 'smb://CHEESEUSCOMPNEW'. Check the log for details.

VLC has never asked me to input my computer user's username and password, it simply worked from the very start.All I had to do was go to Browsing > Local Network. And now that doesn't work.

I've tried both settings in Advanced > Prefer SMB 1 on/off. It makes no difference.

I've tried switching from my 2.4 GHz to my 5 GHz wi-fi back and forth. It used to work on both before. Didn't help, either.

Funny thing is if I browse my Windows shares from Total Commander on the TV > LAN > [my computer] > F: > Films > [choose a film/episode to play], it starts in VLC – but fast-forwarding is still problematic.

What can I do to restore access to my LAN shares from inside VLC?

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Joined: 12 Nov 2022 23:07

Re: Suddenly can't browse LAN

Postby cheeseus » 16 Apr 2024 17:17

I had to completely uninstall VLC, then reinstall it (the most recent nightly version). When I launched it and went to Local Network, it asked me to enter my LAN computer's username and password and I was able to brrowse my computer again. The question is why didn't VLC ask me to re-enter my credentials and why isn't there an option to re-enter them myself. Why did I have to uninstall and then install the app again to be able to do this? Even a full reset of the app didn't help.

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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VLC version: And:3.6.3,Win:2.2.1

Re: Suddenly can't browse LAN

Postby Spike1 » 16 Apr 2024 17:41

VLC 3.5.4 did mention that it had made several enhancements regarding remote access. Your Nightly would be 3.6.0 Beta 2, which would have those enhancements. So my best guess is that you found a bug (or at least sub-optimal user interface) and it has been fixed.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 11
Joined: 12 Nov 2022 23:07

Re: Suddenly can't browse LAN

Postby cheeseus » 16 Apr 2024 18:03

VLC 3.5.4 did mention that it had made several enhancements regarding remote access. Your Nightly would be 3.6.0 Beta 2, which would have those enhancements. So my best guess is that you found a bug (or at least sub-optimal user interface) and it has been fixed.
I'm not sure it has been fixed. VLC does ask you to enter your LAN computer's credentials the first time you try to access the Local Network. It's the uninstall/reinstall that caused it to ask, not the new version – this is my guess.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Suddenly can't browse LAN

Postby bhepple » 17 Apr 2024 23:44

Similar thing here, also on 3.5.4

I found that I needed 'insecure' in my export settings in /etc/exports on the NFS server.

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