Three recurring problems
Posted: 14 May 2023 02:01
Several problems persist in the Nightly of 2023-05-01:
- On my 2018 (slow) Samsung with 2900 tracks, the media-detection beacon is still briefly visible on the screen every 5 seconds.
- Using the scroll bar so that the top windowshade appears or disappears still results in changes to the dimensions the scroll bar assumes, so that scrolling isn't precise if you overshoot the desired track and have to scroll in the opposite direction.
- The change so that the time-elapsed/time-remaining toggle in the Audio section matches the toggle in the Video section, was implemented correctly when the current track is dragged to the top to reveal the detailed video controls and progress bar. However, if the current track is at the bottom of the screen, you always see time elapsed and cannot elect to see time remaining.