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Playlist starts from beginning after leaving the app for a sec

Posted: 24 Sep 2022 20:02
by MartinTranM2
Say I have a playlist with 10 videos.
I start playing video 5/10.
Then I press the square (recent apps key) and then press it again.
Same behavior if i press home and open VLC again. I don't kill the app.
Now I'm back in the app within 1 sec and video 1/10 starts playing.
Why? I feel like this behavior wasn't in 3.4.4 but i may be mistaken because I've reset the settings so many times now.

Android 6.0
VLC 3.5.2 and 3.5.0
Background/pip mode - Stop
Resumed played videos - doesn't matter

Re: Playlist starts from beginning after leaving the app for a sec

Posted: 26 Sep 2022 07:39
by Aza
I am not able to reproduce. Could you please share some logs? Reproduce the issue and then go to: Settings > Advanced > Debug logs. Then share the logs with the sharing service you prefer (Google Drive, Dropbox, pastebin...).