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Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 28 Jun 2022 14:33
by Gracus36

Just saw this issue while trying to play with replay gain settings.

If you try to change replay preamp or default replay gain options, vlc will freeze.

Then it ask if you want to close the app and once restart, settings value are not changed.

Will probably not be able to provide a log due to vlc freeze and restart, but I can provide screen recording if needed.

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 29 Jun 2022 17:24
by rstone
I haven't seen that behavior. Do you have LogCat Reader? If you are comfortable using adb it's another good way to capture crash events. ... .logcatapp

Use ADB to grant android.permission.READ_LOGS to LogCatReader (you'll need a USB cable for this part):
adb shell "pm grant com.dp.logcatapp android.permission.READ_LOGS && am force-stop com.dp.logcatapp"

Once inside LogCat, you can add a filter (upper right corner) for ERROR level logs. It should quickly cut through the informational messages and reveal the issue. There is a share option in the menu which makes it easy to save the logs to Google Drive (or any other app installed on your device).

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 29 Jun 2022 17:48
by Gracus36
Will try to get a computer from a friend but not sure it will be possible...

Hope someone will have the same issue and will be able to provide a log...

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 29 Jun 2022 19:16
by rstone
Did you confirm the issue is not showing up inside VLC under More->Settings->Advanced->Debug Logs? See if you can start logging and trigger the crash.

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 29 Jun 2022 20:11
by Gracus36
Will try. But keeping in mind that vlc restart, I do not think it will be shown in vlc log...

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 29 Jun 2022 20:42
by Gracus36
As expected, nothing seems to be shown in vlc log....

All I see is this showing in loop in the log...
06-29 20:16:00.365 W/VLC/PreferencesAudio( 7308): at androidx.preference.Preference.persistString(
06-29 20:16:00.365 W/VLC/PreferencesAudio( 7308): at androidx.preference.EditTextPreference.setText(
06-29 20:16:00.365 W/VLC/PreferencesAudio( 7308): at org.videolan.vlc.gui.preferences.PreferencesAudio.onSharedPreferenceChanged(PreferencesAudio.kt:168)
06-29 20:16:00.365 W/VLC/PreferencesAudio( 7308): at$EditorImpl.notifyListeners(
06-29 20:16:00.365 W/VLC/PreferencesAudio( 7308): at$EditorImpl.apply(
06-29 20:16:00.365 W/VLC/PreferencesAudio( 7308): at androidx.preference.Preference.tryCommit(

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 30 Jun 2022 06:40
by Aza
If it's a crash, VLC will save it on the disk. If you're using the beta version, you can send it by using the crash reporter. If it's an ANR, I'm afraid you'll need to provide logs with adb.

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 30 Jun 2022 12:29
by Gracus36
Vlc totaly freeze

Here is a screen recording:

Can you confirm it is a crash or an ANR?
If it's a crash, where the log should be saved?

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 30 Jun 2022 15:14
by Gracus36
So, I juste use the crash reporter.

It sends the and

Hope it will help while I try to get a computer to try to get more information...

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 01 Jul 2022 06:38
by Aza
It's not a crash, it's an ANR (Application Not Responding). Unfortunately, the crash reporter is useless here. I saw you use a Samsung device with Android 12 si I tried to reproduce this on a similar devices but was not able to.
If you can use adb, a full logcat would be useful.

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 01 Jul 2022 12:20
by Gracus36

I will follow rstone advice and use logcat reader to find what happen

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 01 Jul 2022 14:45
by Gracus36
Just saw a weird thing...

Uninstall end reinstall vlc : a lot of setting have not been reset to default.

Start to think that the last samsung update went a little bit wrong.

Will reset my phone from scratch and come back to you with a log if issue is still there...

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 12 Jul 2022 21:14
by Gracus36

Do not know what have been change in RC3 but the issue seems to be solved.


Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 14 Jul 2022 18:04
by Gracus36

Come back on this one.

Replay gain settings can now be change but it seems that replay gain is not applied even if audio file has replay gain info in tags...

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 18 Jul 2022 07:10
by Aza
Do you have a sample to share?

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 18 Jul 2022 11:56
by Gracus36
Here you go :

Replay gain info have been put in tags with foobar.
Media info show them.

If I play the file with foobar, replay gain is applied.
If I play it with vlc, volume is higher like if replay gain is not applied.
Same settings for the 2 software : track mode and gain only.

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 13:38
by Gracus36
Any news on this issue?

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 20 Jul 2022 17:06
by Gracus36
Here is a log if it could help

Found some line about code not being supported anymore but found nothing about replay gain...

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 21 Jul 2022 02:05
by rstone
There seems to be an issue with the presence of the video stream for the cover art. If I reprocess your file and strip out the art it works correctly.

ffmpeg -i source.mp3 -map 0 -map -0:v -c copy destination.mp3

You can see the problem via VLC on the desktop, too. Load the media information and navigate to codec details. There should be two additional entries in the details: one for track replay gain and the other for album replay gain. If you do not see it on the desktop, it's not going to work under Android either.

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 21 Jul 2022 03:24
by Gracus36
I do not have computer. All is done on android.

Files are tagged with automatag app using id3 v2.4.
Replay gain values are added in tag with foobar replay gain scanner.

MediaInfo app see perfectly track replay gain AND album replay gain.

If I play an audio file with foobar, both can be applied if I use track mode or album mode.
With vlc, none of them can be applied no matter if I choose track mode or album mode.

If I understand, you say that vlc deal with the artwork like a video stream? What would be the purpose to use a video stream to display a static picture...

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 21 Jul 2022 11:25
by Lotesdelere
You can see the problem via VLC on the desktop, too. Load the media information and navigate to codec details. There should be two additional entries in the details: one for track replay gain and the other for album replay gain. If you do not see it on the desktop, it's not going to work under Android either.

I can see the ReplayGain info in the desktop version of VLC, however it is ignored and has absolutely no effect at all on the desktop version either.
But ReplayGain of this file is working fine with AIMP and Foobar on both Windows and Android.

Side note: the Metadata tab of the desktop version of VLC has non resizable columns, so you can't see the full name of the tags whilst the value column is taking about 4/5 of the width.

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 21 Jul 2022 13:32
by Gracus36
At least I know I'm not the only one having issue...

Re: Replay gain settings issue

Posted: 22 Jul 2022 07:08
by Aza
I'll let the people in charge know about it.