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.vgm not work

Posted: 08 Apr 2022 04:57
by manotroll
I downloaded the file eawpats.sf2 I put it in the root of the micro sd I indicated to the vlc it asks to restart but it does not open the .vgm files
on windows it opens normally

Re: .vgm not work

Posted: 08 Apr 2022 10:01
by Aza
Do you have a sample file to share?

Re: .vgm not work

Posted: 08 Apr 2022 12:14
by Lotesdelere
Are you talking about this ? :

This format has nothing to do with a MIDI file, thus with any .SF2 SoundFont file.

Re: .vgm not work

Posted: 08 Apr 2022 23:43
by manotroll
Do you have a sample file to share? ...

Re: .vgm not work

Posted: 08 Apr 2022 23:48
by manotroll
Are you talking about this ? :

This format has nothing to do with a MIDI file, thus with any .SF2 SoundFont file.
and a mega driver game music format
vlc recognizes it like this on windows

Re: .vgm not work

Posted: 11 Apr 2022 11:07
by Aza
Support for this format was disabled in VLC for Android. I tried to re-enable it and it seems to work great. See ... uests/1341

Re: .vgm not work

Posted: 11 Apr 2022 23:34
by manotroll
so i have to wait for an android update to support file playback again?

Re: .vgm not work

Posted: 12 Apr 2022 07:09
by Aza
No, you just have to wait for the next version of the app.

Re: .vgm not work

Posted: 12 Apr 2022 13:34
by Spike1
That may be what OP meant. Of course he must wait for the next VLC; imagine if he reported a new bug, was asked for the VLC version, and replied, "Oh, it's a patched VLC that Aza emailed me"!

Separately, how do the nightlies work? If I have 3.5.0 Beta 3, is it important to pick up a newer one? weekly? Do these have bug fixes, or new features that might introduce new bugs? What prompts y'all to name it Beta 4? Better to pick up the earliest Beta 4, or the last Beta 3, which is presumably more solid?

Re: .vgm not work

Posted: 12 Apr 2022 22:25
by manotroll

Re: .vgm not work

Posted: 13 Apr 2022 07:33
by Aza
That may be what OP meant.
OP asked:
so i have to wait for an android update to support file playback again?
I just said that this was a VLC for Android update that will fix it. About that, we are about to build 3.5.0 Beta 4 that will contain this fix.
Separately, how do the nightlies work? If I have 3.5.0 Beta 3, is it important to pick up a newer one? weekly? Do these have bug fixes, or new features that might introduce new bugs? What prompts y'all to name it Beta 4? Better to pick up the earliest Beta 4, or the last Beta 3, which is presumably more solid?
That's a lot of questions, I'll try to address them all. Nightly versions are not versioned. The date is the version. They do not auto update either, so to keep it up-to-date, you have to do it manually.
How it works:
- the developers make improvements, bug fixes, new features on their own repository
- they then open a Merge Request. It's a request for the code to be added to the main repository
- while the code has not been merged, it won't be available in the nightly.
- every night (in Europe), a nightly version is built and published on our website

So for example, today's nightly will include the vgm fix because ... uests/1341 is merged, but won't include for example the album rework ( ... uests/1337) because it's not

In term of stability, non beta versions should be the most stable ones. A beta 1 is often not and it will improve over the next versions. But we also add new features in the way, so the stability should fluctuate a bit. Even for beta versions, given the number of beta testers we have, we try to avoid too unstable releases and we quickly update if it's the case. All this is only true for play Store betas, nightly versions may be occasionally unstable if we did not see a bug.

Re: .vgm not work

Posted: 13 Apr 2022 14:22
by Spike1
Thanks, that's a lot of good information! (Too good to be hidden in a forum reply.)