Postby chouquette » 23 Sep 2020 12:21
I'm not sure what the right approach is. For now what we do is we consider the video has been played up to the end if the playback reaches:
- The last 5% percent of the playback if it's less than 1hours long
- The last 4% if it's between 1 and 2 hours
- And so on until it's more than 4 hours, in which case we consider the playback to have reached the completion when it gets the final 1% of the video.
Forcing the playback to be marked as complete only when the final frame has been displayed seems annoying, that means when you are done watching a movie, it wouldn't be marked as complete until you have watched the entire credits, which isn't what I'd want, and that wasn't the previous behavior as well.
We can always add more settings, but I don't think that's a road we would like to go down.
Having a way to explicitly mark a video as complete through user interaction would also be an option.
If you have a specific example of a media that you felt was wrongly marked as completed, what was its duration, when did you stop the playback, and what should have been the expected result for you?