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Vlc auto start in vehicle upon ignition

Posted: 25 Mar 2020 16:09
by gkirkland1354
This was just isolated to my nissan Altima so I thought it was an issue with the car

But now it's doing the same thing in my Toyota Corolla

As soon as I start the car and the bluetooth connects it will autoplay vlc to either a random video or the last one I watched at a saved point

I've gone through what feels like all the settings

Re: Vlc auto start in vehicle upon ignition

Posted: 08 Jun 2020 02:49
by gkirkland1354
It seemed this issue was solved before this most recent update

Re: Vlc auto start in vehicle upon ignition

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 00:24
by koudy_cz
Hey! So it means problem was solved by some update?
Because last update I have on my android is from 30.4.2020 and I still have that problem you've described... It's really annoying that vlc will start automatically some random video from my library. Why there isn't any option to turn off autoplay BT stream in VLC?

Re: Vlc auto start in vehicle upon ignition

Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:02
by Aza
Yes, it's fixed in 3.3.0 which is currently rolling out. It's due to change in the way the system handles Bluetooth connection / disconnection.

If you want to get the fix quicker, you can join the beta program here: ... deolan.vlc