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How to disable automatic actions of vlc

Posted: 15 Feb 2020 11:47
by alfonz19

I got new phone with android 9, and vlc works differently here, and I completely do not understand it.

For some reason it seems it is VLC and not me who is deciding what should be done at any given moment. I come to car, and it start my radio and playback, just because last time when I was in car I was listening to it. How to disable that? I don't want any clever functionality, I want predictability!

Sometimes it just start playing and I don't even know why. How to turn ANY auto-playback function off?

There is even no clear indication how to turn VLC off. So I'm standing in public with loud playback I didn't asked for without any easy possibility to turn it off. I can pause playback, but notification is still there and cannot be removed. What is the correct way how to turn this off? Entirelly. When I'm at theather or anywhere public I don't want app which can play itself and for whichever unwanted reason to go off. Is there some normal mode, which can be activated?

Re: How to disable automatic actions of vlc

Posted: 20 Feb 2020 17:24
by Dekans
There is no auto-playback in VLC

But you're not the first one to report this behavior.
It would greatly help if you could provide me a way to reproduce.

Re: How to disable automatic actions of vlc

Posted: 20 Feb 2020 17:37
by Dekans
Does unchecking "Resume playback after a call" in audio settings help?

Re: How to disable automatic actions of vlc

Posted: 02 Mar 2020 18:19
by Bigbilly305
I just recently started having this issue too! It will play a video as audio everytime I get in my car, the same video everytime. It acts like it is on a playlist and I have to delete it from this playlist that it creates. I have checked and unchecked every box I can think of.

Re: How to disable automatic actions of vlc

Posted: 31 Mar 2020 05:07
by gkirkland1354
I can vouche that if the resume playback after call is unchecked it still auto starts when you start the car

and if you force stop the app before you start the car it still does it

Re: How to disable automatic actions of vlc

Posted: 13 May 2020 15:43
by Bigbilly305
No word on this yet?