TS-Files - Fast forward and rewind

VLC for Android and Chrome OS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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TS-Files - Fast forward and rewind

Postby sorosch » 21 Dec 2019 16:07


first of all: VLC for Android is really mega great.

One problem:
I have a Dreambox and a VU+ Box to record (old-) television. So i have a lot of TS-Files. Play these files with VLC works great - no problems - subtitles works, audio works... - BUT: fast forward and rewind doesn´t work perfect. VLC jumps not the 10 seconds when double-clicking rather "somewhere in the past".

Have someone tried this with TS-Files? Perhabs a solution?

Thank you very much
Best regards

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Joined: 16 May 2018 15:45

Re: TS-Files - Fast forward and rewind

Postby lemmy999 » 31 Dec 2019 16:30

I posted about this 1.5 yeas ago


then found out someone else had posted about this issue back in 2016.


A developer responded that it was complex and pushed it out to 3.2.0, but obviously that didn't happen.

Someone logged this as an issue, and currently it seems to be pushed out to version 4.0


As far as solutions, I just used Kodi. It seems to be one of the few players that can work with .TS files and I find its time navigation capabilities (for all video files) for devices that do not have a touch screen (like a Shield, Fire Stick ,etc) to be far superior.

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