Problems with audio tracks and subtitles on MKV files on Sony Android TV

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Problems with audio tracks and subtitles on MKV files on Sony Android TV

Postby nicolaidenmark » 27 Nov 2019 14:42

Hi all,

Latest VLC for Android TV vers.

I have numerous MKV files stored on my NAS. I can play them but canot:

Select what subtitles I want (SRT or PGS embedded but not burned in).

Select audio track (for example: VLC always just lists one track: Track 1 albeit the MKV has multiple audio tracks. Even if an MKV has both Danish and English audio and the DANISH audio has been set (in MakeMKV) as the deafult, VLC still just lists one track available.

Also, I cannot search the film pressing on the forward button on the screen. When will this be fixed?


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