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Not able to seek through FLAC files

Posted: 16 Oct 2019 07:57
by Crazed_by_Penguins
Whenever trying to jump elsewhere in a FLAC file that is playing, playback stops for around 5 seconds, and then skips to the next track in the playlist. MP3 files do not have this issue. Other than tapping somewhere on the seek bar, this also seems to affect the following actions:
- If far enough into a track that the back button is expected to return to the beginning of the track, tapping the back button
- Tapping the "resume playback" button on the home screen.

Pausing and resuming playback works fine, and same with playback interrupted by something like a phone call.

I'm currently using 3.2.0-beta-6 on Android 10, although this issue has been present since at least beta-4.

Re: Not able to seek through FLAC files

Posted: 20 Oct 2019 21:42
Same issue.
I cannot seek in flac files.
When I attempt to seek, the song gets stuck and will skip to the next track after about 4 minutes.
Using VLC 3.2.0 beta 7.
Never had this issue a year ago.