First, we're not professionals.Not only is your attitude highly unprofessional, it's also very immature.
Sure you can, but, a contrario to you, I have code in dozens of open source projects. And even if you don't use VLC, you're going to have my code running.First, i have to question your abilities in programming.
It is not. Because it's a combinaison of ROM, version, Device, and so many other things.Because it would be a ridiculous easy task to check for the device manufacturer at the first launch of the application.
And you are going to translate this message in 100 languages? That is SOOO nice of you.And if it's a Huawei device, you can simply popup a massage to tell the users what's going on.
First, most users don't know about this "optimization".Also Huawei give every user the ability to exclude every app from battery optimization (under Settings->Apps & Notifications->Settings(Gear Symbol)-> Special access->Ignore battery optimization->All Apps(VLC) )As an Developer especially when you are the "VideoLAN President", this is something you simply should know!
Sure, blame the victim! Huawei is doing CRAP, destroying millions of applications, we're calling them on it, and we're the bad guys?For me this means i no longer can and don't want to support this Software Project. I removed VLC from all my Systems and I will no longer donate to this project. Which I've done for several years.
Because after this even, we asked Huawei to whitelist us. They refused.I must say I also find this a strange and stupid decision
Apparently you are noticing this issue for some time.
A few months ago I had this issue and posed a question on the forum here: https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=144087
No reaction from VLC people, no sticky thread to explain the solution, nothing on the wiki...
And now you are fed up with Huawei. It doesn't seem to me it was troubling you that much.
I am sure that you can do something to let the user know why some behaviour does not work on their device, but I think the problem is that in this case, developer shouldn't. "App can stay active when they follow the foreground service rules" is well documented on the official Android documentation, and this is what we developer do: we make Android apps, not make HUAWEI apps, or Samsung apps, or OnePlus apps. We make apps for this platform because it can run on so many different device with the same behaviour, and if every OEM can just do whatever they want, a lot of people are not going to make apps for this platform. It would probably be like 2004 all over again!But for starters -> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/199 ... mmatically
Hello, I've recently bought a Huawei and I also have this issuePlease, implement the solution presented in the program
Web Video Cast |Browser to TV(Chromecast/DLNA/+)
Huawei P10
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