Does anyone have any idea what might be happening? And is there anyway to get more information about the cause of this exception?
Code: Select all
09-08 15:48:31.052 533-582/system_process D/ConnectivityService: Setting timer for 30seconds
09-08 15:48:31.892 32577-32577/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/com.industrycorp.sparklobby.Components.SparkComponent: run: HIDE IT ALL
09-08 15:48:32.202 533-10322/system_process D/InputMethodManagerService: --- calledFromForegroundUserOrSystemProcess ? calling uid = 10007 system uid = 1000 calling userId = 0, foreground user id = 0, calling pid =
09-08 15:48:32.202 533-10322/system_process V/InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: android.os.BinderProxy@2690d770 controlFlags=#104 softInputMode=#120 windowFlags=#800000
09-08 15:48:32.202 533-10322/system_process V/InputMethodManagerService: Unspecified window will hide input
09-08 15:48:32.212 533-10322/system_process V/InputMethodManagerService: unbindCurrentInputLocked: client = android.os.BinderProxy@26bce9f8
09-08 15:48:32.212 533-10322/system_process V/InputMethodManagerService: Hide switching menu
09-08 15:48:32.212 533-10322/system_process V/InputMethodManagerService: switching to client: client = android.os.BinderProxy@2690d770 keyguard=false
09-08 15:48:32.212 533-10322/system_process V/InputMethodManagerService: Disabling: SessionState{uid 10660 pid 32577 method 2695cd08 session 268c69b8 channel ClientState{26a871f8 uid 10660 pid 32577} (server)}
09-08 15:48:32.212 533-10322/system_process V/InputMethodManagerService: Enabling: SessionState{uid 10007 pid 595 method 2695cd08 session 266e8b98 channel ClientState{2690d398 uid 10007 pid 595} (server)}
09-08 15:48:32.212 533-545/system_process D/InputMethodManagerService: --- calledFromForegroundUserOrSystemProcess ? calling uid = 10660 system uid = 1000 calling userId = 0, foreground user id = 0, calling pid =
09-08 15:48:32.222 533-545/system_process W/InputMethodManagerService: Starting input on non-focused client$Stub$Proxy@269a27d0 (uid=10660 pid=32577)
09-08 15:48:32.252 32577-7450/com.industrycorp.sparklobby E/VLC: [728831d8/1d1a] mediacodec decoder: Exception in MediaCodec.releaseOutputBuffer
09-08 15:48:32.252 32577-7451/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/dalvikvm: threadid=35: thread exiting, not yet detached (count=0)
09-08 15:48:32.252 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [728831d8/1ce6] core decoder: killing decoder fourcc `h264', 31 PES in FIFO
09-08 15:48:32.252 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [728831d8/1ce6] core decoder: removing module "mediacodec"
09-08 15:48:32.252 32577-7450/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/dalvikvm: threadid=42: thread exiting, not yet detached (count=0)
09-08 15:48:32.262 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [728831d8/1ce6] mediacodec decoder: MediaCodec via JNI closed
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [71ab3268/1ce6] core generic: saving a free vout
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [71ab3268/1ce6] core generic: reusing provided vout
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7440/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [727b7118/1d10] core video output: Adding 'deinterlace' as static
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7452/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/dalvikvm: threadid=41: thread exiting, not yet detached (count=0)
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7440/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [71822528/1d10] core filter: looking for video filter module matching "deinterlace": 39 candidates
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7440/com.industrycorp.sparklobby E/VLC: [71822528/1d10] deinterlace filter: unsupported chroma ANOP
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7440/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [71822528/1d10] core filter: no video filter modules matched
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7440/com.industrycorp.sparklobby E/VLC: [727b7118/1d10] core video output: Failed to create video filter 'deinterlace'
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7440/com.industrycorp.sparklobby E/VLC: [727b7118/1d10] core video output: Failed to add filter 'deinterlace'
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [722bb298/1ce6] core decoder: killing decoder fourcc `mp4a', 0 PES in FIFO
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [722bb298/1ce6] core decoder: removing module "avcodec"
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [722bb298/1ce6] avcodec decoder: ffmpeg codec (aac) stopped
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [72560908/1ce6] core audio resampler: removing module "ugly"
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [72c54d48/1ce6] core audio filter: removing module "scaletempo"
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [72336b18/1ce6] core audio converter: removing module "audio_format"
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [71f98928/1ce6] core volume: removing module "integer_mixer"
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [71ab3268/1ce6] core generic: keeping audio output
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [729aef08/1ce6] core demux: removing module "mp4"
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [729aef08/1ce6] mp4 demux: freeing all memory
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [71c04988/1ce6] core input: Program doesn't contain anymore ES
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [724ae258/1ce6] core stream: removing module "record"
09-08 15:48:32.272 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [729856a8/1ce6] core stream: removing module "prefetch"
09-08 15:48:32.282 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [717b5508/1ce6] core stream: removing module "access"
09-08 15:48:32.312 32577-7398/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/dalvikvm: threadid=39: thread exiting, not yet detached (count=0)
09-08 15:48:32.312 32577-32577/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [71c04988/7f41] core input: Destroying the input for 'video.upload.en.mp4'
09-08 15:48:32.312 32577-32577/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [7202a768/7f41] core audio output: removing module "opensles_android"
09-08 15:48:32.312 32577-32577/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [727b7118/7f41] core video output: destroying useless vout
09-08 15:48:32.312 32577-7440/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [72da6988/1d10] core vout display: removing module "android_window"
09-08 15:48:32.312 32577-7440/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/dalvikvm: threadid=40: thread exiting, not yet detached (count=0)
09-08 15:48:32.312 32577-32577/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [71b08598/7f41] core spu text: removing module "freetype"
09-08 15:48:32.322 32577-32577/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [72959308/7f41] core scale: removing module "yuvp"
09-08 15:48:32.322 32577-32577/com.industrycorp.sparklobby D/VLC: [72f109b8/7f41] core scale: removing module "swscale"
09-08 15:48:32.322 533-10420/system_process I/WAKELOCK_RELEASE: TIMESTAMP=187999128283382, TAG=WindowManager, TYPE=SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK , COUNT=0, PID=533, UID=1000, FLAGS= ON_AFTER_RELEASE
09-08 15:48:33.322 533-577/system_process I/WifiHW: CMD: IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL
09-08 15:48:33.322 32421-32421/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
09-08 15:48:33.322 32421-32421/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
09-08 15:48:33.332 32421-32421/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: survey data missing!
09-08 15:48:33.332 32421-32421/? I/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: send_and_recv->nl_recvmsgs failed: 20
09-08 15:48:33.332 533-577/system_process I/WifiHW: REPLY: RSSI=-41
09-08 15:48:33.332 533-577/system_process I/WifiHW: REPLY: LINKSPEED=150
09-08 15:48:33.332 533-577/system_process I/WifiHW: REPLY: NOISE=9999
09-08 15:48:33.332 533-577/system_process I/WifiHW: REPLY: FREQUENCY=5280
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-464/? D/PROPERTY: get media.dump_output.befconv: 0
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-464/? D/PROPERTY: get media.dump_output.aftconv: 0
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-464/? D/RouteManager: stopStream: {+++ RECONSIDER ROUTING +++} due to output stream stop event
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-464/? D/RouteManager: reconsiderRouting
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-464/? D/EVENT_THREAD: void CEventThread::trig(uint16_t): in
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-464/? D/EVENT_THREAD: void CEventThread::trig(uint16_t): out
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: Platform State:
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Modem Alive = 0
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Modem Call Active = 0
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Is Shared I2S glitch free=1
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Android Telephony Mode = Normal
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -RTE MGR HW Mode = Normal
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -BT Enabled = 0
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -BT NREC = 0
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -BT Band = NB
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Platform output device = IHF
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Platform input device = <none>
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Platform input source = None
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Platform Band type = NB
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Platform Has Direct Stream = no
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Platform TTY direction = <none>
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Platform HAC Mode = Off
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Platform Screen State = On
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Platform Context Awareness = false
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Platform Always Listening = false
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Platform FM State = Off
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Platform Bypass Non Linear PP State = Off
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Platform Bypass Linear PP State = Off
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Platform MicMute = Off
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: Route state:
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Previously Enabled Route in Input = <none>
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Previously Enabled Route in Output = Media|HwCodecMedia
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Selected Route in Input = <none>
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Selected Route in Output = <none>
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Route that need reconfiguration in Input = <none>
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: doReconsiderRouting: -Route that need reconfiguration in Output = <none>
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: executeMuteStage: --------------- Routing Stage = Mute ---------------
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: RoutageState, current state: Flow
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: muteRoutes: Expected Routes to be muted in Output = Media|HwCodecMedia
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: ClosingPlaybackRoutes, current state: Media|HwCodecMedia
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: OpenedPlaybackRoutes, current state: <none>
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Configuration application request {
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Applying configurations {
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Applying configuration "Mute" from domain "Routing.Mute.HWCodec.Playback.IHF"
09-08 15:48:35.282 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Applying configuration "Mute" from domain "Routing.Mute.HWCodec.Playback.Multimedia.IHF"
09-08 15:48:35.312 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: } Applying configurations
09-08 15:48:35.312 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: } Configuration application request
09-08 15:48:35.312 192-323/? D/RouteManager: executeDisableStage: --------------- Routing Stage = Disable ---------------
09-08 15:48:35.312 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: RoutageState, current state: Path
09-08 15:48:35.312 192-323/? D/RouteManager: prepareDisableRoutes: Routes to be disabled(unrouted) in Output = Media|HwCodecMedia
09-08 15:48:35.312 192-323/? D/ALSAStreamOps: detachRouteL output stream
09-08 15:48:35.312 192-323/? D/RouteManager/StreamRoute: closePcmDevice called for card (baytrailaudio,0)
09-08 15:48:35.322 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Configuration application request {
09-08 15:48:35.322 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Applying configurations {
09-08 15:48:35.322 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Applying configuration "Disable" from domain "Routing.Enable.Multimedia.Playback"
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: } Applying configurations
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: } Configuration application request
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: executeConfigureStage: --------------- Routing Stage = Configure ---------------
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: RoutageState, current state: Configure
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: ClosingPlaybackRoutes, current state: <none>
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Configuration application request {
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Applying configurations {
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Applying configuration "Deactivated" from domain "Routing.Configure.LPE_Mixer.IHF"
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: } Applying configurations
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: } Configuration application request
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: executeEnableStage: --------------- Routing Stage = Enable ---------------
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: RoutageState, current state: Path|Configure
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Configuration application request {
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Applying configurations {
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: } Applying configurations
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: } Configuration application request
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: executeUnmuteStage: --------------- Routing Stage = Unmute ---------------
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Selection criterion changed event: Criterion name: RoutageState, current state: Flow|Path|Configure
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Configuration application request {
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: Applying configurations {
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: } Applying configurations
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/RouteManager: parameter-framework: } Configuration application request
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-323/? D/EVENT_THREAD: void CEventThread::run() Do poll with timeout: -1
09-08 15:48:35.332 192-464/? D/RouteManager: reconsiderRouting: DONE
09-08 15:48:35.332 533-788/system_process I/WAKELOCK_RELEASE: TIMESTAMP=188002136724776, TAG=AudioMix, TYPE=PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK , COUNT=0, PID=192, UID=1013, FLAGS=
09-08 15:48:36.192 533-544/system_process D/InputMethodManagerService: --- calledFromForegroundUserOrSystemProcess ? calling uid = 10660 system uid = 1000 calling userId = 0, foreground user id = 0, calling pid =
09-08 15:48:36.192 533-544/system_process V/InputMethodManagerService: windowGainedFocus: android.os.BinderProxy@26bce9f8 controlFlags=#100 softInputMode=#20 windowFlags=#1810500
09-08 15:48:36.192 533-544/system_process V/InputMethodManagerService: Unspecified window will hide input
09-08 15:48:36.192 533-544/system_process V/InputMethodManagerService: unbindCurrentInputLocked: client = android.os.BinderProxy@2690d770
09-08 15:48:36.192 533-544/system_process V/InputMethodManagerService: Hide switching menu
09-08 15:48:36.192 533-544/system_process V/InputMethodManagerService: switching to client: client = android.os.BinderProxy@26bce9f8 keyguard=false
09-08 15:48:36.192 533-544/system_process V/InputMethodManagerService: Disabling: SessionState{uid 10007 pid 595 method 2695cd08 session 266e8b98 channel ClientState{2690d398 uid 10007 pid 595} (server)}
09-08 15:48:36.192 533-544/system_process V/InputMethodManagerService: Enabling: SessionState{uid 10660 pid 32577 method 2695cd08 session 268c69b8 channel ClientState{26a871f8 uid 10660 pid 32577} (server)}
09-08 15:48:36.342 533-577/system_process I/WifiHW: CMD: IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL
09-08 15:48:36.342 32421-32421/? D/wpa_supplicant: RX ctrl_iface - hexdump(len=11): 53 49 47 4e 41 4c 5f 50 4f 4c 4c
09-08 15:48:36.342 32421-32421/? D/wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Control interface command 'SIGNAL_POLL'
09-08 15:48:36.342 32421-32421/? D/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: survey data missing!
09-08 15:48:36.342 32421-32421/? I/wpa_supplicant: nl80211: send_and_recv->nl_recvmsgs failed: 20
09-08 15:48:36.342 533-577/system_process I/WifiHW: REPLY: RSSI=-43
09-08 15:48:36.342 533-577/system_process I/WifiHW: REPLY: LINKSPEED=150