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Playlist issues and a VLC crash

Posted: 18 Apr 2016 22:57
by guidaq
[*] I tried to load an .m3u playlist. (previously edited to change all backslash into slash, and with a very simple structure: album/song_file.mp3.
As in previous releases, VLC did not recognize the file. When I tried to delete it, the app just crashed. (tried several times, with two different .m3u files).

[*] It would be nice to be able to import playlists created with the pc program, instead of having to start them from scratch when we have some problem with the device and need to restart to factory settings.
(or, the possibility to save/export the list in a folder we can access)

(I have about 45 albums = 800+- songs by the same artist, which I like to hear in th same sequence: albums in chronological order, songs in the album track order)

Re: Playlist issues and a VLC crash

Posted: 26 Apr 2016 10:33
by Dekans
.m3u files should be recognized properly.

Can you paste the content of one of yours here?

We have some m3u playlists and it's working pretty fine.

Re: Playlist issues and a VLC crash

Posted: 27 Apr 2016 01:22
by guidaq
Hi, Dekans, and thank you for answering :)
Here is a part of it (there about 800 songs/lines)

#EXTINF:395,Elis Regina - Pot-Pourri
file:///removable/MicroSD/Music/1965_Dois na Bossa N1/Pot-Pourri.mp3
#EXTINF:245,Elis Regina - Preciso Aprender a Ser Só
file:///removable/MicroSD/Music/1965_Dois na Bossa N1/Preciso Aprender a Ser So.mp3
#EXTINF:129,Elis Regina - Ziguezague
file:///removable/MicroSD/Music/1965_Dois na Bossa N1/Ziguezague.mp3
#EXTINF:167,Elis Regina - Terra de Ninguém
file:///removable/MicroSD/Music/1965_Dois na Bossa N1/Terra de Ninguem.mp3

This is the folders structure:

Music -> Elis ->file.m3u
Music -> Elis ->1965_Dois na Bossa N1 (first album folder)

plus a lot of subfolders inside the "Elis" one, each containing the songs of the respective album.
The .m3u file is in the same folder as the albums.
(The .m3u file was created with Mp3Tag software, then edited in Notepad for the replacement.)

I red somewhere that the Windows "\" had to be replaced by "/" for Android, and so I did.

Thank you again.

Re: Playlist issues and a VLC crash

Posted: 27 Apr 2016 15:41
by Dekans
Your paths are wrong, you should use relative ones.

Instead of:

Code: Select all

file:///removable/MicroSD/Music/1965_Dois na Bossa N1/Pot-Pourri.mp3
just put:

Code: Select all


Re: Playlist issues and a VLC crash

Posted: 27 Apr 2016 17:45
by guidaq
Thank you so much! I'll give it a try...

(However I have a little problem: as I have about 40 albums of the same singer, and some of them are compilations, studio albums and live shows recordings, there are, in the different folders, several versions of the same song - one of them appearing 7 or 8 times, in different albums/folders.
The only option would, perhaps, rename them as "Pot-pourri_1.mp3", "Pot-pourri_2.mp3" and so on... Which would be rather time-consuming. I was looking for a simpler way of making things...

Re: Playlist issues and a VLC crash

Posted: 27 Apr 2016 18:21
by guidaq
Yes! It worked, thank you so much!!! :D
I just had to leave Folder/file structure:

1965_Dois na Bossa N1/Pot-Pourri.mp3

the player freezed for a moment and the system warned "VLC stopped responding", I chose the "Wait" option and it started playing.
You didn't make my day - you made the rest of my portable music listening Life!

For a perfect world to all music/VLC levers, VLC Player for Windows (and other operating systems) would give the option to save the .m3u file with relative path... but it's not hard to edit the file in Notepad or similar.
Now I'm not afraid of having to reset my tablet to factory settings and spend a few hours creating a new playlist.

Re: Playlist issues and a VLC crash

Posted: 29 May 2016 13:43
by wilbert_depauw
I tried to load an .m3u playlist as instructed here. However vlc only plays the first mp4 I added in the playlist.

The .m3u playlist works on my pc but not on my tablet running on Android.

This is the playlist:

#EXTINF:2572,Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom - Compilation (40 Minutes).mp4
Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom - Compilation (40 Minutes).mp4
#EXTINF:3208,Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom - Compilation (50 Minutes).mp4
Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom - Compilation (50 Minutes).mp4
#EXTINF:4019,Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom - Compilation (1 hour).mp4
Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom - Compilation (1 hour).mp4
#EXTINF:1933,Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom - Compilation (30 Minutes).mp4
Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom - Compilation (30 Minutes).mp4
