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Not able to set Network caching value in Android VLC player

Posted: 15 Jan 2015 01:22
by harshalpatel

I am trying to set the Network caching value on the Android VLC tablet. I changed the Network caching value from option provided under path:
preferences--> Advanced--> Network caching value to lower value (e.g. 200 msec) to reduce the buffering latency cause by VLC player while streaming. But it looks like Android VLC is not able to set the value.

I am able to change the Network caching value on normal Linux VLC player but not on the Android VLC player.

Is there any other way around to set the network caching value in Android VLC player?

Thank you,
Harshal Patel
HPC Systems Engineer
Signalogic Inc.

Re: Not able to set Network caching value in Android VLC pla

Posted: 18 Jan 2015 09:44
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You should disable hardware decoding.

Re: Not able to set Network caching value in Android VLC pla

Posted: 19 Jan 2015 18:30
by harshalpatel
Hi Jean-Baptiste,

Thank you very much for the info.
I disabled the hardware decoding and I am able to set the Network caching value in Android VLC.

Thank you,
Harshal Patel
HPC Systems Engineer
Signalogic Inc.

Re: Not able to set Network caching value in Android VLC pla

Posted: 20 Jan 2015 03:44
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
No problem. :)

Re: Not able to set Network caching value in Android VLC player

Posted: 16 Feb 2015 17:04
by gzaharieva
I have the following situation with vlc player which I can not solve yet. I hope you can give me some orientation about the problem.
I disable the hardware decoding and want to use the network cashing but as result it gets artifacts in whole picture of the video output (surface view). If the hardware decoding is AUTOMATIC or FULL the quality of the video is ok and without artifacts.
I need network caching in order to output video with HD because it buffers every 5-10 second.
I'm using the vlc libraries for android.

Greetings and thank you in advance.

Re: Not able to set Network caching value in Android VLC player

Posted: 16 Feb 2015 22:34
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Well, sure, your CPU is too slow for software decoding. And hardware decoding requires longer caching. You can recompile VLC.

Re: Not able to set Network caching value in Android VLC player

Posted: 17 Feb 2015 12:11
by gzaharieva
Thank you, Jean-Baptiste Kempf!