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Proble with JWPlayer in Android + Wowza Media Server + VLC ?

Posted: 19 Feb 2013 07:16
by manyblue
First greetings to all in this forum, I'm new.
I have a video server Wowza Media Server 3.5, I have another web server in which I have a website.
On the website I have JWPlayer 5.8, with this player I have no problems when used by PC or Mac flash, or iphone, ipad, ipod.
My problem comes when android device is connected to the web, can not see the videos. This is why I use the jwplayer playlist.php the file detect what dispositive is connect and forwards it to a rtmp or http url.
Jwplayer not work with rtsp protocol.
I can not find a web player that works with all three protocols rtmp, rtsp, http (ipnone "http://..........playlist.m3u8").

A friend told me this:
The only player who played the three protocols is vlc has browser plugins and I think there app available for iPhone and Android.
But not many people have it installed in their browsers.

I forgot, the same probleme with Android in Balckberry ..............

What can you tell me about this ?? I´m desesperate for to solve this proble in my web.

Kind regards: Manyblue

Re: Proble with JWPlayer in Android + Wowza Media Server + V

Posted: 23 Feb 2013 02:11
by edwardw
I don't quite understand your query. VLC for Android does support playback of rtsp.