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http Stream Error (Avi)

Posted: 25 Oct 2012 20:13
by sandmen
I'm using a 1 week old nightly build.
I'm trying to get a http stream working.

It works with MX Player Pro and of course with the desktop variant of vlc. :D
The android vlc player get some error.
Any hint for this problem?

Code: Select all

D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream found chunk, fourcc: RIFF size:4294967288 pos:0 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream found LIST chunk: 'AVI ' D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream <list 'AVI '> D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream found chunk, fourcc: LIST size:382 pos:12 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream found LIST chunk: 'hdrl' D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream <list 'hdrl'> D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream found chunk, fourcc: avih size:56 pos:24 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream avih: streams:2 flags: IS_INTERLEAVED TRUST_CKTYPE 320x256 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream found chunk, fourcc: LIST size:192 pos:88 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream found LIST chunk: 'strl' D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream <list 'strl'> D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream found chunk, fourcc: strh size:56 pos:100 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream strh: type:vids handler:0x34363268 samplesize:0 25.00fps D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream found chunk, fourcc: strf size:40 pos:164 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream strf: video:h264 320x256 planes:1 24bpp D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream found chunk, fourcc: vprp size:68 pos:212 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream vprp: format:0 standard:0 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream </list 'strl'> D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream found chunk, fourcc: LIST size:106 pos:288 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream found LIST chunk: 'strl' D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream <list 'strl'> D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream found chunk, fourcc: strh size:56 pos:300 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream strh: type:auds handler:0x00000055 samplesize:0 41.67fps D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream found chunk, fourcc: strf size:30 pos:364 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream strf: audio:0x0055 channels:1 48000Hz 0bits/sample 32kb/s D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream </list 'strl'> D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream </list 'hdrl'> D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream </list 'AVI '> D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream * LIST-root size:0 pos:0 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream + RIFF-AVI size:4294967288 pos:0 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream | + LIST-hdrl size:382 pos:12 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream | | + avih size:56 pos:24 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream | | + LIST-strl size:192 pos:88 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream | | | + strh size:56 pos:100 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream | | | + strf size:40 pos:164 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream | | | + vprp size:68 pos:212 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream | | + LIST-strl size:106 pos:288 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream | | | + strh size:56 pos:300 D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream | | | + strf size:30 pos:364 E/VLC (15736): [0x5a08ce98]: avi demux invalid file: cannot find hdrl or movi chunks D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream free chunk avih D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream free chunk strh D/VLC (15736): [0x5a07ccc0]: avi stream free chunk strf

Re: http Stream Error (Avi)

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 13:05
by edwardw
Could you please share the AVI file in question with us?

Re: http Stream Error (Avi)

Posted: 26 Oct 2012 15:42
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Are you playing locally or not?

Re: http Stream Error (Avi)

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 19:46
by sandmen
Ok, I have optimized my mencoder settings.
But again it doesn't work.

This is the webstream, it's stored with vlc as a raw material on a desktop.
The VLC dos not play it, not as stream and not as file :-( ... 2dYbkF6WUE

The MX Player Pro, dos play both, the stream and the file.


Re: http Stream Error (Avi)

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 22:02
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You should not put h264 into AVI. VLC is very right to refuse it.

Re: http Stream Error (Avi)

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 22:07
by sandmen
Can you explain it a little bit more please.

Re: http Stream Error (Avi)

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 22:12
by edwardw
Try putting your H264 into MP4 or MKV instead.

Re: http Stream Error (Avi)

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 22:21
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
H264 should not be embedded in AVI, but only in mp4, ts or mkv.

Re: http Stream Error (Avi)

Posted: 30 Oct 2012 09:12
by sandmen
Hmm, mencoder are using only some "standard" container.

I will try to use the libavformat like this
-of lavf -lavfopts format=mp4

Did anyone know, can I use mencoder with x264 for decoding, and libavformat to create the container only :-)
