Viewphone3 and VLC

VLC for Android and Chrome OS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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Viewphone3 and VLC

Postby novice1 » 17 Jul 2012 03:21

I have a Viewsonic Viewphone3 with Android 2.3.7. VLC Direct Pro Free is installed on the Android device, and VLC for Windows is installed on my Laptop. I have enabled the web interface and can successfully stream a movie from my phone to my laptop. However, I am unable to play a movie on my phone directly! The first "tip" says to use the TARGET to select where I want to play videos. I have tried both Android and VLC icon without success. When the target is Android and I select a movie, it asks me to complete action using "Movies" or "Stream to VLC". If I select "Movies", it appears to be playing with the default player (which can't read many formats). If I select "Stream to VLC", my phone want to stream to my computer ("I cannot connect..." when the laptop is off). So... How do I play videos on my phone?


Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 2346
Joined: 24 Jun 2012 23:36
VLC version: 3.0.0-git

Re: Viewphone3 and VLC

Postby edwardw » 17 Jul 2012 04:48

I have a Viewsonic Viewphone3 with Android 2.3.7. VLC Direct Pro Free is installed on the Android device
VLC Direct Pro Free is not software created nor endorsed by VideoLAN. As a result, we would instead recommend that you use the official VLC for Android beta app, which can indeed play and receive almost all types of streams, just like regular VLC. We cannot provide any support for unsupported third party software like VLC Direct Pro Free.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 17 Jul 2012 02:41

Re: Viewphone3 and VLC

Postby novice1 » 18 Jul 2012 03:38

OK, thanks. One strange thing though is that from the website, the VLC for android direct us directly to VLC Direct Pro Free! That is, "VLC for Android beta" can only be obtained by clicking on "get it on google play", which itself redirect to VLC Direct Pro Free...

I'm not sure what to do if VLC Direct Pro Free is not made by Vlan but is the only thing we can get...

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 2346
Joined: 24 Jun 2012 23:36
VLC version: 3.0.0-git

Re: Viewphone3 and VLC

Postby edwardw » 18 Jul 2012 04:03

Hmm, weird indeed, try ... betav7neon or if you are blocked,

The build is probably more stable since it's newer and contains bugfixes from the Market version.

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