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Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 15 Jul 2015 23:59
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
VLC 1.5.0

Video doesn't fit the screen after rotation (video screen orientation set to "Automatic"). Need to touch the screen to force the video to fit the screen.
OK, file a bug on that one :)

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 23 Jul 2015 21:29
by BattyUSA
. Greetings: Req VLC for Stock/ Unrooted MotoG/Droid 4.4.4. 8)

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 06 Aug 2015 02:59
by loudmax
I'm running VLC 1.4.1 on my Moto G 4G/LTE (Android 5.1). Ogg Vorbis and MP3 files sound great in VLC. Ogg Opus files sound terrible, like low bitrate mp3s. These same Opus files sound just fine through VLC 2.2.1 on my laptop, just like their Vorbis counterparts. I've tried with the Moto G's hardware acceleration on and off and with audio output set to AudioTrack and OpenSL ES. Opus files which sound good on a laptop sound very poor on the phone.

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 08 Aug 2015 08:20
by truffaldino
Media database has "sticky" metadata. Metadata from replaced (delete original, copy new) files is not updated.

MP3 file(s) previously indexed are replaced while VLC is not running. New files have changed metadata. Metadata change confirmed with file browser (I use Solid Explorer).

Trial 1
VLC is launched, old metadata observed, Refresh, old metadata observed.

Trial 2
VLC is launched, old metadata observed, VLC closed.
File(s) deleted with file browser.
VLC launched, refresh, files are removed from UI, VLC closed.
File(s) added with file browser.
VLC launched, refresh, old image observed, (some) new metadata observed.

Trial 3
Settings -> Advanced -> Clear media database
Select Audio tab, database rebuilds, new metadata, including images, is observed.

In Trial 2, it seems that only the image remains unchanged. If the original file had no image, the stock "cone" image was displayed. After the files were replaced with files containing an image, the cone was still displayed. In another instance, the image metadata was updated with a new image. After refresh, the old image continued to be displayed.

VLC 1.4.1
Motorola Moto G LTE
Android 5.1.1


Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 13 Aug 2015 12:32
by razvan7

I don't know if that's intended or not but
vlc from google play is version 1.3.2 and from the site you can download vlc 1.4.1

On vlc site it says you can download vlc 1.4.1 from google play but the link send you to google play where the vlc is version 1.3.2

VLC just stopped working

Posted: 18 Aug 2015 04:21
by petehand
Android 4.4.2, S168 Android phone, VLC 1.4.1

A few days ago VLC was working perfectly, then it just wouldn't work at all. It has no trouble finding files, both on internal memory and SD card. On selecting one, sometimes the traffic cone spins endlessly until the controls blank out. Touching the screen brings them back, with the rotating cone. Other times the cone spins once or twice and then fades out to a blank screen. The Back button does not back me out. Hitting it repeatedly takes me to a blank screen and eventually Android pops up a box saying VLC has stopped and do I want to end it.

I am working with h264 and xvid files, from 50MB to 600MB. They work perfectly with desktop VLC - I can drag them straight from the USB file window to desktop VLC and they play out of the phone's storage. I have reinstalled VLC three times, the last time after deleting every other app I installed in the past couple of weeks in case one was interfering. I do suspect it's another app interfering but have no idea which one it could be.

Re: VLC just stopped working

Posted: 18 Aug 2015 07:11
by petehand
Problem is solved. There was a bogus ap store - mopo ap - in the system files, looked Chinese. It didn't appear in the aps or the processes but periodically, every few days, it would wake up and irritate me when I was trying to do something else. Today I caught it downloading an "update to vlc". I had to root my phone to get rid of it but when I restarted after the root VLC worked normally.

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 19 Aug 2015 05:58
by mengzhengjie
I found a problem, I'm using the latest version of VLC for android video functions to achieve, but in the file "es_out.c" file method "EsOutSetRecord" If the variable "ENABLE_SOUT" setting true, in the translation time will find many of the method does not find an error, and after changing for the better here, however, in the document "modules.c", the method "vlc_module_load" in, "ssize_t total = module_list_cap (& mods, capability);" this is as far back as 0, which is not found with the "record" than with item, so stopped here, like this question, tell me how you can not solve, more urgent, thank you

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 01 Sep 2015 21:16
by packzap
On vlc site it says you can download vlc 1.4.1 from google play but the link send you to google play where the vlc is version 1.3.2
Yes, I just uninstalled and re-installed from the play store and it's still at 1.3.2. Can someone update the play store files? Thanks.

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 08 Sep 2015 16:17
by Rexunil
VLC-Android-1.5.2-20150905 on Huawei Ascend Y550

Audio (radio stream):
- artist and title never shown, always "unknown artist". (VLC for Linux works fine) .
- VLC crashes when try to store a playlist with radio stream(s). Output from logcat:

Code: Select all

E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): FATAL EXCEPTION: main E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): Process: org.videolan.vlc.debug, PID: 5113 E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): android.util.AndroidRuntimeException: Window feature must be requested before adding content E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at$ E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at android.os.Looper.loop( E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at$ E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method) E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at Android.MODEL(HUAWEI Y550-L01) E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at Android.VERSION(4.4.4) E/AndroidRuntime( 5113): at Android.FINGERPRINT(Huawei/Y550-L01/hwY550-L01:4.4.4/HuaweiY550-L01/C00B246:user/ota-rel-keys,release-keys)

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 10 Sep 2015 11:52
by andvlc4me
Long time VLC user (pc’s) using it to stream live TV from enigma2 devices (satellite).

I have 2 devices,
1. Huawei-Ascend-G6-4G
Android 4.3 using VLC-Android-1.5.2-20150828-0107-ARMv7.apk
Works flawless over wifi and 4g except HD but that might be a CPU issue.

2. Vega s89
Android 4.4 using VLC-Android-TV-1.5.2-20150905-0114-ARMv7.apk
Works flawless on all SD channels, when I was using VLC-Android-1.5.2-20150828-0107-ARMv7.apk most HD channels were having artifacts/stuttering all the time, switching to VLC-Android-TV-1.5.2-20150905-0114-ARMv7.apk solved it for most HD channels but not all.
Hardware acceleration is off.
I also have 1 SD channel where the colors are separated, you see the green next to an object, this does not happen on the G6.

When I use vlc 2.1.5 on an old Centrino laptop (100mb lan) it has no issues with any HD stream. (6-8% utilization on lan) not even the high bitrate bbc HD channels.

Two questions, 1. Is the ARMv7 package correct for the G6-4G ?
2. is the TV-ARMv7 correct for the vega ?

If this post should have been a separate one instead of joining this long list please split it away.

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 11 Sep 2015 18:32
by andvlc4me
Their both armv7 :mrgreen:
After some digging I've got it working alot better but not 100% yet (getting there slowly) for HD streams.

Create a file with this in it:

Code: Select all

# file sysctl.conf, place in /etc net.core.rmem_max 2.00MB net.core.wmem_max 2.00MB net.ipv4.tcp_rmem 4096 1048576 2097152 net.ipv4.tcp_wmem 4096 524288 2097152 net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling = 1 net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 1 net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 1 net.ipv4.tcp_no_metrics_save = 1
You're gonna need something like rootexplorer to get it in /etc (and supersu or the likes), reboot and enjoy a HD stream with VLC for android a bit better. This works for all vega models but should work with any (se)linux based thing.

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 14 Sep 2015 16:02
by andvlc4me
In my search for solutions for artifacts I came across these 2 items, I can't find anything related in the current vlc sources but maybe this might mean something to some developer: ... 792543b5da ... /parsers.c

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 21 Sep 2015 15:52
by dd00vlc
I can't watch big video files till the end on Android.
Possible it happens when file cursor reaches the maxinun signed int value.
Tried to play files with length 2343180288, 2343706624, 2344876032, etc.
In all cases video playback freezed about 15 minutes till the end.
VLC plays fine (till the end) files less than 2147483647 (maximum signed int value) bytes length.

I posted the ticket and attach logcat to it (but in my mind it does not contains helpfull info).

Bug is 100% reproducable.

Android 4.4.4, Samsung Galaxy Note 4 on stock firmware.

P.S. Where I can get java-side android VLC source code? I found it.

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 26 Sep 2015 11:49
by Rexunil
VLC Android 1.5.9 (all versions) doesn't show artist/title info correctly when playing MP3 webradio streams.
Sometimes when starting a new radio stream or playlist with streams artist/title info is displayed but never updated.
In most cases there is shown "unknown artist"

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 28 Sep 2015 08:17
by edwardw
Does the same thing occur on desktop VLC? If so, please file a bug on trac.

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 29 Sep 2015 11:28
by pinkbecca
latest nightly android releases aren't working on my Galaxy Note 4, it opens and shuts off in less than a second.

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 29 Sep 2015 21:24
by mjevans
As part of planning for getting a new phone I've realized that there don't appear to be any ARMv8 compatible builds. Would a device like the Nexus 6P or another phone that uses the Snapdragon 810 series of processors require a dedicated build, or are they covered by the ARMv7 binaries in some form of compatibility mode?

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 04 Oct 2015 10:09
by dodo00
VLC for Android / does not rely
#EXTINF:-1,Nova TV
#EXTVLCOPT:http-user-agent=5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18

VLC for Windows / becomes

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 05 Oct 2015 11:01
by pinkbecca
why are the latest nighlty releases not working, I have a Note4, up to the 25th of September releases work but onwards just crash.

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 05 Oct 2015 11:03
by edwardw
What kind of files?

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 05 Oct 2015 15:39
by Krachu

I've got a problem with TrueHD and VLC for Android (TV). I cant play that kind of audio in BluRays movies. When a movie uses Dolby TrueHD, there is no sound. Are you aware of this issue with TrueHD audio codec? Are there any plans for an update to solve this problem or something?

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 05 Oct 2015 18:27
by pinkbecca12
What kind of files?
the latest nighlty builds are just crashing, I can't open any type of video even with an external program like ES Explorer, the last working build working with my Galaxy Note4 is the 25th of September release.

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 07 Oct 2015 12:53
by pinkbecca12
please could somebody from VLC's team explain why the latest nighlty builds aren't working with Galaxy's Note 4?

Re: Help us test VLC for Android and report bugs

Posted: 12 Oct 2015 10:28
by pinkbecca12
why no reply regarding the latest nighlty builds not working?, also if possible, make that speed control easier than it is, the slider is bad, I want to choose 50 whilst watching but it says 49, let us choose a speed number.