Playing Stream URL from Specific Network Interface on Android

VLC for Android and Chrome OS specific usage questions
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Playing Stream URL from Specific Network Interface on Android

Postby vahed-mrv » 06 Nov 2024 15:16


I'm developing an IPTV Android application that utilizes LibVLC for media playback. In this app, users can specify the specific network interface that connects to their isolated IPTV network, as they may use a different interface for internet access. When users configure the network interface setting, we bind the entire application process to the selected network interface using the ConnectivityManager class, as shown here:

Code: Select all

However, LibVLC does not seem to follow this binding. It appears that VLC traffic bypasses the ConnectivityManager API, likely because LibVLC is a low-level library that interacts directly with Linux system APIs.
Is there a way to force LibVLC to use a specific network interface to play video streams?

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