I have some files. Some are just seconds, maybe less than a second. In the end nothing seems to be cut off in one file, something is missing in the other.
E.g. "Schweinefrass" (muck, food for pigs) by Klaus Kinski. One time I hear the ss at the end, the other time only "Schweinefra". On the same device in the VLC player. E.g. with JBL Dive.
The problem also exists without a BT. Now I played the same file several times without BT, and once you just heard the ss at the end, then only for fr, then only for f.
There is something wrong. And most probably don't notice and don't care, because longer files are heard anyway ...
The problem does not exist on the PC with VLC.
I actually wanted to use a custom soundboard, but the apps are all bad. The file names are played too short for me. And switching to line text is not possible.
Then I thought of VLC ... 61 files. I don't want to have to recreate them all with silence at the end because of such a quirk.
I also suspect that Audacity re-encodes when you save an ogg file again, and it gets worse ...
It can be heard completely on the PC.