Playlist autoplay

VLC for Android and Chrome OS specific usage questions
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Playlist autoplay

Postby Whateverman » 12 Jun 2018 19:19

Hi - I've spent time looking for an answer to this question; maybe I've missed it. Thanks for any feedback you can provide...

I run TVersity Media Server from my PC, and my Sony Bravia connects to it wirelessly. The media library is fully visible on the TV; I can browse through the folders, play songs/videos, etc.

I had problems with the native "Video" app on the TV, so I installed VLC's Android port, and managed to connect to the media library. It sees the folders and playlists - but it's giving me the same problems the native app did. I can't find a way to get it to play through all videos in a folder, nor all the videos in the playlists I've published.

It shows the contents of a playlist, but it splits the contained videos into alphabetized categories (ie. all videos starting with the letter A into the "A" category); I would rather that the videos be shown in the order they're listed in the playlist.

More importantly, it will only play one video, and stop after the video has finished. I've turned on the playlist mode in VLC's settings, but it doesn't seem to be working. I've seen the advice about a "long click" (ie. selecting the media item and holding down the button on the remote until the options appear), but all this produces is two options: "play" and "play from beginning".

The playlists are in XML format (TVersity calls it RSS, though it definitely looks exactly like XML). Using Chrome to browse to the media server, Chrome will play the videos in the correct order, one after another without pausing.

Sorry for the long explanation - my question is this: is there a better playlist format (rather than XML)? Are there VLC options/settings I'm missing?

Again, thanks for any advice or suggestions you can give. I've been using VLC for maybe a decade now; even donated $20 back in the day. I'm saying this only to emphasize that I like the app, not that I'm "owed" any support here.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Joined: 16 Sep 2010 03:27

Re: Playlist autoplay

Postby Whateverman » 12 Jun 2018 20:10

For the record, I've just rebuilt one of the playlists into something TVersity calls an Atom Feed. Slightly different XML.

Same problem. Can see the playlist on the TV in VLC; can choose a video from it and play that video. The playback stops at the end of that playlist item.

EDIT: I've just tested this with PLS and M3U files as well. All of them can be seen and browsed, but none of them autoplay

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Re: Playlist autoplay

Postby Dekans » 13 Jun 2018 10:12

v3.0.11 brings back the 'Play All' feature.
Long press on a video, then select 'Play All'

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Playlist autoplay

Postby Whateverman » 13 Jun 2018 21:52

v3.0.11 brings back the 'Play All' feature.
Long press on a video, then select 'Play All'
Hi Dekans,

Thanks for replying to me. I've posted similar threads to TVersity and Sony forums, and so far, you/VLC are the only ones to respond :)

I've just checked, and my TV is running 3.0.10.

I've just tried updating my installed apps via the Google Play store, and it doesn't look like VLC had an update.

Is the version you mentioned still in development, or is it currently available?

As a developer, I know how much support/maintenance can be a drain on developers - and I know VLC is free. Thanks for any time you can spare...

~ Jon Richt

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Re: Playlist autoplay

Postby Dekans » 14 Jun 2018 09:18

For now, 3.0.11 is published in beta, should be promoted to release soon.
You can register to beta to get it now.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Playlist autoplay

Postby Whateverman » 14 Jun 2018 22:42

Hi Dekans,

Thanks for the reply and the link. I've registered for beta, and will look for the new version and see if this solves the problem.

Just to let you know, I've contacted Sony's support team, and they're just as confused as I am. They seem to think the TV should play everything in the playlist without stopping; I'm working with them now. I mention this only to say I will harass the VLC team here ONLY when I'm sure this problem isn't with the TV.

Thanks again for your help,

~ Jon Richt

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Joined: 16 Sep 2010 03:27

Re: Playlist autoplay

Postby Whateverman » 15 Jun 2018 04:48

Thanks - your suggestion to upgrade to the beta version (3.0.11) has fixed the main problem I came here for. Now when opening a playlist and "long clicking" on the first item, I see the option to PLAY ALL, and this does exactly what I was looking for.

The only problem now is that VLC automatically sorts everything in the playlist alphabetically. I'd built my play lists to play things in a specific order, but VLC wipes that out and forces me to play video titles starting with A, then B, then C, etc. I've found another thread in which someone talks about the order in which media files get played. Since this is a similar subject, I'll post there instead.

Thanks again for your help, Dekans

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Playlist autoplay

Postby fuscod » 25 Oct 2018 01:53

I am trying to set up a play list for my mum who has alzheimers.
Can u explain what you mean by long click on the Sony TV.
I can rename her files so they order correctly as all I need to do is set it in motion

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