LibVLC, two problems, muted and not initialized.

VLC for Android and Chrome OS specific usage questions
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 12
Joined: 15 May 2017 23:26

LibVLC, two problems, muted and not initialized.

Postby KrisMar » 15 May 2017 23:45

Hello everyone!

I have this app I am developing, it uses LibVLC 2.0.6 to play streams, and when I have an android AudioGroup active the VLC MediaPlayer does not initialize, or, I don't think so, as it just gives me

Code: Select all

-D/libc-netbsd: [getaddrinfo]: hostname=(null); servname=35662; netid=0; mark=0 - D/libc-netbsd: [getaddrinfo]: ai_addrlen=0; ai_canonname=(null); ai_flags=9; ai_family=0 - W/art: Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[25,tid=5753,Native,Thread*=0xa15a5000,peer=0x12f07220,"VlcObject"]
And if I have another app running with vlc and start the app with active audiogroup, audio from vlc is "muted" and I can still see usersize logs etc.

I have played files with androids mediaplayer together with the audiogroup running, so that is why I think this might be a VLC "issue/feature" and not something in androids lib,
Have anyone experienced the same? Or do anyone know what can be the issue?
If more info is needed, let me know :)


Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 12
Joined: 15 May 2017 23:26

Re: LibVLC, two problems, muted and not initialized.

Postby KrisMar » 17 May 2017 13:44

Hmm. well. after playing around, starting them in other orders. The "next" part fails insted, as silently as the other.

So it seems vlc and the package takes conflict over who's using resources. Though I only use the record feature in the net.rtp package.

I have issued this as a bug to android, but If anyone know how I could proceed to solve this myself I would appreciate some advise :)

I have looked through most of both vlc's binding files and the jni for the rtp package, and the overlay files, and cannot seem to find anything that relates to either of them having some feature forcing lockdown of access to audiotrack and audiorecord.

I can play the regular mediaplayer that android has so I think this is a weird issue.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 12
Joined: 15 May 2017 23:26

Re: LibVLC, two problems, muted and not initialized.

Postby KrisMar » 01 Jun 2017 22:13

Issue was VLC's audiotrack inability to work with several instances of audiotrack.

Problem is almost fixed in 3.0.0 Still a lot of pauseinternal problems.

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