1. I have written software since 1979. One senior HP exec once said I've written more software than any 10 programmers you will meet in a lifetime...combined.
2. We all design crap now and then. When something becomes popular hopefully we polish out dysfunctional features. VLC works like a rockstar on my Linux box so I always snag it when my android dies and I reload aps.
3. That is when the cursing starts. Go to a folder on linux and type vlc -Z ./* and poof...plays away. Since my phone is a locked corporate thing I do not have shell here...so I am stuck with VLC menus like songs albums folders generes etc.
I have stumbled around these 4FKN EVER and have yet to find a CREATE PLAYLIST feature. The directory I want to play ... media ... has 5 folders under it with different songs in them but no mp3 in the top folder. So when I click directories and press hold play the media folder...nothing. It might help folks if VLC would play all media in played folder as well as build playlist from subfolders. Otherwise I see no way to create a playlist and can only play 1 of 5 folders at a time and can never save a playlist. Amazingly dysfunctional...mind boggling.