I use VLC for Android to play music. Generally I like it, but, either I get confused in how to use it or it gets confused.
I generally like to let it play back in shuffle mode, but, it isn't really clear how to turn shuffle mode on and off. Every once and awhile it seems to shuffle and then it will revert to playing the same song back. I generally use it while driving so I'm not in a position to keep close track of what is going on with it.
I notice that in my listing of songs I often see the same song listed several times, although I know I only put one copy on my phone.
When I see a listing of a lot of songs I see the thumbnails for the album art do not always correspond with the music it is associated with.
Sometimes if it plays a song and there is another version of the song by another artist, it will play that next. I sort of like this, maybe it is just a coincidence or some feature (or bug). I'm not aware of any setting to turn this on or off.
I know databases often have a way to "repair" them from time to re-index it. Is there something like this in VLC?
Are these known issues or are there any skins or tweaks that might help?
I have have revison 79640c46 (2016-03-05 ARMv7
running on AICP 10.0 on a Samsung Galaxy 3 L710