Can you play actual DVD movies from Android with VLC [maybe with Samsung AV mode]?

VLC for Android and Chrome OS specific usage questions
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Can you play actual DVD movies from Android with VLC [maybe with Samsung AV mode]?

Postby dcam » 20 Feb 2015 09:18

Will VLC for Android play ISO files from real DVDs from Android if you attach a DVD player by USB?

If not, will VLC for Android play ISO files from USB Samsung DVD devices in AV mode where the device simulates the disk as a FAT-32 filesystem?

The manual at says:

In AV system support mode, it takes longer to recognise a disc.
It takes longer to recognize the discs as data on the ISO/UDF file system is converted to the FAT32 file system for AV systems to recognize and transmit the data.


To play DVD titles you need a recorder that can decrypt the encoded DVD title. However, since most TVs do not support this function, you cannot watch DVD titles by using the AV connectivity function. To watch DVD titles, you have to use a DVD player or DVD playing software that runs on a computer.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Can you play actual DVD movies from Android with VLC [maybe with Samsung AV mode]?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 20 Feb 2015 10:59

We only read ISO dvds.
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