libVLC c++ and opneCV. Advices Needed

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libVLC c++ and opneCV. Advices Needed

Postby swordman » 27 Mar 2012 22:22

I'm working a project for windows platform for now, hope in making it available for Linux too if it comes out good enough, basically I've to open a camera, save the stream and during this, capture a frame every X seconds and do some image processing on that frame.
I can chose between c++ and c, I would feel safer with c++, but I've seen that libVLC is mainly c, so the first advice I ask for is: better to use C or C++?
After that, I would like to know id it possible to do the two action at the same time, record the stream and get a frame periodically. I haven't seen a lot of documentation around, and I've some doubt that this could be doable.
I think that openCV and libvlc could be really two great companion libraries for this type of works, but I fear the lack of documentation and working examples. any advice will be really precious,

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