I have a new Problem. I did it to make the libvlc working on Android and i can stream videos from my Android-Board to the PC.
But now I have a Problem if I try to play a *.ts file. I tried it with my application, the server settings are
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const char* sout = "#stream_out_standard{access=http,mux=ts,dst=}";
libvlc_vlm_add_broadcast(instance, "Play", "/data/vid.ts", sout, 0, NULL, 1, 0);
libvlc_vlm_play_media(instance, "Play");
So I thought maby its an error of my app-setting or a made a porting error forgot something. So I tried to stream only on the pc with the normal vlc command line tool
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vlc vid.ts --sout '#standard{access=http, mux=ts,dst=localhost:8080}'
vlc http://localhost:8080
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number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
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libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 13, expected 0) for PID 0
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 13, expected 0) for PID 66