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streaming with Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Posted: 10 May 2011 18:06
by v4v4n
halo dsChaeck

thanks for you effort updating the liblvc wrapper for delphi. i have downloaded the new updates.
i have just debug the sample on delphi 7 and delphi 2010. here few things that i can inform you

1. on the delphi 7 the sample compiled and run smoothly, but on delphi 2010 it's not. i need to replace few Pchar function with PansiChar
2. on delphi 2010 these lines

Code: Select all

RegQueryValueEx(Handle,'InstallDir',nil,@RegType,PByte(@Result[1]),@DataSize); Result[DataSize]:='\';

the result return value with strange additional character. i think it's come from the function RegQueryValueEx windows API Function
i solved it by directly pointing the libvlc.dll path. so i skip this function
3. both on delphi 7 and delphi 2010, the sample can't do streaming. but it can read the streaming media from vlc player (vlc player as streaming server)
i have tried to change few options on base option, but it didn't show any progres, just blank screen
i event replace the option, copied from the option generated by the vlc player, but still i don't find any clue on it

i really need your help here........ thanks in advance dsChaeck


Re: streaming with Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Posted: 10 May 2011 19:09
by DsChAeK
1. You can send me your code, so I can make the svn source compatible to 2010

2. I cannot reproduce that, maybe you can post the complete output

3. First be sure that streaming manually over VLC.exe is working the way you want it with the demo, so we can exclude wrong IP/MRL/blocked ports or such stuff.
Well, if this is working we have to analyse your inputs to VLC in the demo exactly!
Maybe there is a problem the way you want to transcode the source, try it without transcoding.

Re: streaming with Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Posted: 10 May 2011 19:16
by v4v4n
pls give me your email..... where should i send it


Re: streaming with Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Posted: 10 May 2011 19:19
by v4v4n

Re: streaming with Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Posted: 10 May 2011 23:38
by DsChAeK
got it, thx

Re: streaming with Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Posted: 11 May 2011 15:29
by v4v4n
pls post here when you able to make it as a streaming server......... i really need this


Re: streaming with Delphi Wrapper for LibVLC v1.1

Posted: 16 May 2011 18:47
by DsChAeK
I don't really understand !?
Maybe I'll make the source compatible to D2010 with the help of your source, but I can't fix your streaming problem!
The demo is really working the way it should be, it all depends on your input or configuration!